水和廢水處理- Forschen科學



Maulin P Shah




如果印度能夠使用適當的水處理技術,它就可以大大增加其供水,改善用水,以改善公共健康和經濟發展。世界上的水並沒有耗盡。真正的挑戰是為快速增長的全球人口提供足夠的淡水(對增長的需求不斷增長:更多的能源、更多的食物、更多的工業和更多的消費)。越來越多的不規律天氣和自然災害隻會加劇這種情況。世界所有區域經常與嚴重缺水作鬥爭。這是一個棘手的問題,甚至在相對富裕的發達國家也是如此。但在沒有基礎設施的發展中國家,財政資源不足,再加上快速城市化和工業化程度的提高,造成了危機。缺乏處理方案導致了兩個問題:廢水在排入水道之前沒有經過處理,汙染了水源,這往往導致水不能飲用。飲用水來自同一來源,沒有經過適當處理,造成了重大的公共衛生問題:印度21%的傳染病是由危險的水引起的。1月底,耶魯大學在178個國家發表了一項研究,其中178個國家的印度環境效益指數與水和衛生服務的可得性有關。 If India is to use widely the appropriate treatment technology, it will be able to significantly expand its available water reservoir for both potable and non-drinkable use. Our economy, our industry and, above all, our people would benefit. The challenge is enormous, but not difficult. There is a need for political will, as well as technological and political innovations - but as water crises all over India, there is no overwhelming inactivity. There is reason to hope. Indian water and sanitation investments, including health care systems, are still low, but have increased over the last decade. The results are far from ideal but encouraging. For example, in 1975-80, the coverage of rural sanitation was estimated at 1 to 1.2 %. In 2009 it had increased to 20%. The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and the National Innovation Council recently announced the launch of India’s Inclusive Innovation Fund, which aims to invest in a number of socially significant sectors such as water and sanitation. State investment and solid political work. But the private sector can also help: a recent study lists the Indian water sector as a whole with an investment potential of $ 120 billion by 2032. Another estimate is that India’s total water and wastewater treatment market is about $ 430 million, increasing annually by about 18 percent. But the twelfth Five-Year Plan of the Government i.e., 2012-2017 states that economic growth of 8-10% is only possible if the water requirements of the growing population are met. Developing countries such as India have problems with re-use of waste water due to lack of treatment. The challenge is to find a low-priced and low-technology user which, on the one hand, avoids endangering our substantial waste water dependent livelihoods and, on the other hand, protect the degradation of our valuable natural resources. The use of built wetlands is now recognized as effective Technology for sewage treatment. Compared with conventional processing systems, built wetlands need less material and energy, they are easy to handle, and they do not have any problems with sludge disposal and can be maintained by unskilled personnel. Furthermore, these systems have lower costs for construction, maintenance and operation because they are powered natural energy of sun, wind, soil, microorganisms, plants and animals. Therefore, it seems that for the planned, strategic, safe and sustainable use of waste water. The need for political decisions and integrated programs involving decentralized low-cost Sewage treatment technologies, biofilters, efficient microbial strains and organic, inorganic changes, suitable crops / systems for crops, cultivation prominent crops and modern ways of using waste water.






引用:沙阿MP(2017)廢水處理-最新場景。國際J水廢水處理4(1):doi http://dx.doi.org/10.16966/2381-5299.e104

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  • 接受日期:9月2日2017

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