NHV KutumbaraoD Velmurugan*
中科院晶體學和生物物理學,馬德拉斯大學,金奈,印度*通訊作者:D Velmurugan,馬德拉斯大學晶體學和生物物理學院,馬德拉斯大學,金奈,金迪校區,印度,電話:9841075847;電子郵件:shirai2011@gmail.com
登革熱是一種威脅生命的疾病。非結構蛋白3 (NS3)是多蛋白加工過程中必不可少的病毒蛋白酶,它需要NS2B輔助因子的約40個殘基親水結構域才能獲得最佳的催化活性。NS2B/NS3活性蛋白酶的複合體被歸類為胰蛋白酶類蛋白酶。針對該蛋白酶設計肽類藥物是目前廣泛采用的對抗該病毒的策略之一。NS2B所采用的構象對蛋白酶的活性和底物的結合起著重要作用。我們嚐試通過各種方法設計抗NS2B/NS3的肽。這些配體是從不同的來源中選擇的,從食用魚類中分離的多肽到從木瓜葉中分離的天然化合物。根據蛋白酶的不同構象研究了配體的結合方式。
登革病毒基因組是一種單鏈正感RNA[2,3],由10,723個核苷酸組成,編碼單一多蛋白前體,該多蛋白前體包含兩類蛋白質:結構蛋白和非結構蛋白。RNA基因組[4]周圍有三種結構蛋白(C、prM和E)和一個脂質雙分子層,其中蛋白質C(核心核殼蛋白)直接與RNA結合,蛋白質E(主包膜蛋白)和蛋白質M(膜蛋白)都形成了蛋白質外殼[5]。NS1、NS2A、NS2B、NS3、NS4A、NS4B和NS5為非結構蛋白。多蛋白前體經曆剪切(共和翻譯後)以產生成熟蛋白。NS3負責這種活動,使病毒活躍,並幫助進一步複製。NS3特異性作用於切割活性區域,非結構蛋白區域為NS2A/NS2B、NS2B/NS3、NS3/ NS4A和NS4B/NS5[6-10]。
蛋白酶活性在病毒生存和複製中的重要性,以及蛋白酶抑製劑在許多情況下被普遍視為一種潛在藥物的概念[11-13],導致研究團體設計活性抑製劑來應對登革熱感染。全長180個氨基酸的蛋白酶結構域NS3片段存在於618個殘基的多結構域NS3的n端[14- 20]。NS2B(輔助因子)是激活NS3蛋白酶活性[16]所必需的。NS2B的結合可能啟動活性催化三聯體的結構排列,以獲得最佳的蛋白酶活性[21,22]。該蛋白酶對底物結合具有特異性,已被許多工作者證實。Niyomrattanakit的研究結果表明,P1和P2位置的偏好是雙基殘基,P3和P4是堿性殘基或脂肪殘基,P1 '是較小的或極性殘基[23]。NS3的最小長度決定了蛋白酶的活性。NS2B的47殘基長度被確定為蛋白酶活性所必需的。連接NS2B和NS3的甘氨酸連接物具有可溶性和酶活性[19,24]。蛋白酶序列在血清型內具有高度的序列相似性,活性位點的殘基在所有血清型中都是保守的。 The sequence alignment of the different protease structures solved from two different serotypes has been represented in the figure 1 [25]. The high similarity between the sequences is evident. This can be observed even in the case when compared with west Nile virus protease also. The DEN2 and DEN3 serotypes proteases can be observed as highly conserved, especially around the active site residues, whose color is in red. The NS2B region too has the similarity between the stereotypes which allows us to model the missing segment of one protease serotype from the other.
NS2B/NS3蛋白酶是一種典型的絲氨酸蛋白酶,第一個NS2B/NS3晶體結構是由DEN2菌株在1.5 Å分辨率(PDBID: 2FOM)[26]解出的。這是一種β桶構象,類似於糜凝胰蛋白酶,其活性位點由組氨酸(HIS)、天冬氨酸(ASP)和絲氨酸(SER)三個主要殘基組成,被稱為催化三聯體。該結構在NS2B的環區有一個間隙。許多後續解決的結構都有缺失的環,從DEN2 (PDBID: 4M9T)[27]中解決的一個結構具有報道的變構位點,有環的蹤跡,NS2B的取向與2FOM結構相似。但是最近沉積在PDB中的溶液結構(PDBID:2M9P)在活性位點上有一個抑製劑結合,NS2B區域顯示出一個主要的構象變化,類似於從DEN3[28]分解出的蛋白酶(PDBID:3U1I)構象。2FOM結構是最早被分解的構象,最近報道為非活性構象。將該構象中的NS2B片段的定位與A125C的突變結構4M9T結構進行了比較,據報道,該結構有助於識別蛋白酶中的變構區(ALA 125)。環的運動被認為具有影響作用。loop120(117-122)和loop150(153 - 164)[27]的構象至關重要,影響NS2B片段的取向。圖2顯示了環相對於NS2B取向的不同位置以及配體的位置。這些環的運動確實與配體的結合方式有關。這可以從圖2所示的不同配體的結合中看出。 The RMSD (Root Mean Square deviation) and orientations of superimposed structure 2FOM with 3U1I is 0.6 Å (127 atom pairs included) where as there is a deviation of 1.03 Å with 2M9P (only 80 atom pairs included). The RMSD between 3U1I and 2M9P is 1.18 Å (88 atom pairs included). There is a conformational similarity between 3U1I (DEN3) and the protease from West Nile virus, 2FP7 [26]. The positioning of the loop 120 is further deviated in the recent solution structure and the NS2B also. This can be inferred as the effect brought by different binding modes of the ligands. The various superimpositions of the structures are presented in figure 2. As the conformation adopted by the protease in 2FOM structure is inactive [29], many workers have used the subsequent structure such as 3U1I from DEN3 for modeling studies. Molecular docking and simulation studies were undertaken to understand the different binding modes of the ligands and the effect of placement of the loops for the ligand binding. The previous modeling studies were carried out using 2FOM as the target and we have analyzed the recent structures deposited and carried out the modeling analysis which lead to the binding mode of the few peptides similar to the binding mode of ligand seen in the 2M9P solution structure. The structure used for modeling from NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy) studies is the one with the least energy.
圖2:2FOM, 4M9T, 2M9P, 2FP7, 3U1I的疊合結構
蛋白質從蛋白質數據庫(PDB)下載。使用PyMOL對肽進行建模。從公共化學數據庫(Pubchem)下載了木瓜葉天然產物的三維結構。合成化合物的三維結構是通過晶體學研究得到的。配體的結構必須優化,以糾正空間位姿衝突,並計算最小勢能。因此,在對接之前,使用Schrödinger 2009的Impact模塊中的oppls 2005力場(液體模擬優化勢)最小化所有配體。在最小化過程中,配體首先受到衝擊最小化模塊中可用的1000個迭代循環的最陡下降。這是一個基本步驟,在這裏可以適當處理具有空間衝突效應的初始配體幾何。接著是5000個循環的共軛梯度,這使得結構在能量和梯度方麵有很好的收斂性。它的輸出被選擇用於對接[30]。 The protein was minimized using protein preparation wizard where addition of H atoms and bond order were adjusted and further energy minimization was carried out using OPLS2005 force-field. Molecular docking helps in identifying energetically and geometrically favorable binding pose of a ligand bound to the protein. Out of different types of docking, Induced fit docking possess more advantage. This method of docking helps to treat both the ligand and the protein as flexible. Induced fit (Glide XP) module which possesses flexible docking option was used for docking of ligands with protein. The grid was specified for the site of docking by specifying the active site residues, in this case, the catalytic triad residues. Grid of 20 Å along each edge is specified for the calculations to be performed. The resulting output file was analyzed and the best pose was considered for molecular simulation studies. The molecular dynamic simulations were carried out using AMBER 12 (Assisted Model Building with Energy Refinement) [31]. The molecular dynamic simulation helps to analyze the interactions and behavior of the ligand in dynamic state over a time scale. This also helps us to know the stability of the protein-ligand complex. AMBER FF99SB force field was used for the parameterization of the protein molecule. TIP3P water box was used for the solvation of the complex and charge neutralization was carried out using Na+和Cl-離子。先使與水分子的總配合物最小化,然後進行平衡,直到係統達到穩定的溫度和壓力。
眾所周知,不同植物的提取物具有藥用價值。有許多來自植物的化合物和次生代謝物被證明具有抗菌活性的成功案例。在印度最近爆發的登革熱中,有報告說,許多醫務人員使用木瓜葉提取物治療登革熱,也看到了成功治療的案例。木瓜葉提取物已被報道具有抗登革熱活性[32]。基於此,我們用氣相色譜質譜法(GCMS)對木瓜葉提取物進行了分析,發現其主要成分為油酸、硬脂酸和棕櫚酸三種次生代謝物。我們隨後對這三種化合物對NS2B/NS3蛋白酶進行了分子建模研究,以2M9P為靶標進行對接時,相對於以2FOM為靶標進行對接時,相互作用和滑動評分相對較高,與活性位點殘基的相互作用較好。給出了對接分數、滑翔能量和相互作用圖。三種化合物均與催化殘基存在相互作用,其中有一個氫鍵相互作用,也有一些非鍵相互作用。油酸和棕櫚酸在催化位點的結合區域是相似的,但硬脂酸的結合區域是不同的。分數、能量和相互作用的信息見表1,結合位點見圖3a和3b。 The ligands oleic acid and palmatic acid were bound in a similar binding mode as in the co-crystal structure, where as the stearic acid has a different binding. The binding orientation of the two ligands which were similar to the co-crystal is represented in figure 3c. The ligand is shown in stick and the protein residues are shown in line format, with the active site residues highlighted in cyan colour. The compounds showed an improved score and energy in the binding with the protein in the modeled NMR structure, where the full structure is modeled with NS2B fragments.
圖3 b:油酸(綠色)、硬脂酸(粉色)和棕櫚酸(紫色)的結合方式
圖3 c:油酸與棕櫚酸的結合取向
使用多肽作為比合成化合物更有利的藥物已經引起了很大的興趣,因為它們毒性更小,副作用最小。基於活性位點結構或基於底物的多肽設計已經做了很多努力。近年來,許多肽先導被報道為對登革蛋白酶[34]的有效抑製劑。這些多肽也被末端修飾以合並官能團的影響。從我們之前的建模研究中,我們報道了從食用魚類中分離出的肽SHMG、GHMS,並設計了能與良好能量結合的肽,得分為[35]。現已將表現出良好效果的多肽與2M9P作為靶標進行對接,以觀察相互作用是否發生了任何變化。多肽與靶標的結合被發現更好地提高了分數和能量值。對接分數和能量值被製成表格(表2),圖4顯示了相互作用。大多數肽的結合位點與溶液結構中的共晶配體的結合位點相似。隨著對能量的影響和對接得分的增加,其他多肽的結合不僅發生在NS3的活性位點,而且還可以與NS2B的殘基發生相互作用。 These possess hydrogen mediated interactions with SER and HIS and maintain non-bonded interactions with the other active site residues. The presence of proline and glycine in the peptide as reported in the previous modeling papers show an affinity with additional interactions. The orientation of the reverse peptides makes these to interact with both the chains. In view of the peculiar nature of its sequence and its availability in nature (these peptides are isolated from edible fishes), the reverse peptides were subjected to simulation studies. The target bound peptides were subjected to molecular dynamic simulation for 30 ns and showed a consistent binding throughout the trajectory time (data not shown). The position of the peptides and their superimposed information of the individual peptides with the 2M9P are given in the figures 5,6. It can be observed that the binding pocket of the peptides, GHMS and SMHG are similar to that of the co-crystal. The binding of the ligand with the Histidine and Serine amino acids can be found in both the peptides as seen in the co-crystal. The GHMS has a similar orientation in the pocket as in the case of cocrystal. Figures 6a and 6b show the binding orientations of the peptides and co-crystal ligand in the pocket respectively. The active site residues are represented in the cyan colour, the ligands are represented in stick model with the protein residues been projected as line with three letter indicator with residue name and number (table 3).
圖6 b:共晶的結合取向
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引用:Kutumbarao NHV, Velmurugan D(2016)與NS2B/ NS3登革蛋白酶結合的脂肪酸和多肽的結構分析和分子建模研究。J新興病毒2(4):doi http://dx.doi.org/10.16966/2473-1846.121
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