


Hovsepyan勞拉1Ghazaryan Gayane2Zanginyan Hasmik2 *

1 主要研究員,亞美尼亞國家科學院分子生物學研究所分子膜實驗室主任
2 亞美尼亞國家科學院分子生物學研究所分子膜研究室研究員

*通訊作者:亞美尼亞國家科學院分子生物學研究所分子膜學實驗室研究員Zanginyan Hasmik電子郵件:hzang@mail.ru


研究體重150-200 g的幼齡(4-5月齡)和體重250-350 g的老年(25-28月齡)大鼠的脂質代謝和氧化過程。在大鼠腦組織的線粒體部分中觀察到脂質過氧化(過氧化氫氧化物,丙二醛)以及蛋白質氧化修飾產物的積累率的增加。老年大鼠腦組織脂質多樣性的研究表明,衰老伴隨著脂質組成和定量組成的變化。發現糖脂代謝的改變導致腦苷和硫化物的表達減少。此外,還觀察到鞘氨醇水平(中性糖脂水解的產物)的增加。結果表明,脂質代謝紊亂在衰老過程中的病理改變中起著重要作用。




目前,衰老問題已引起分子和細胞生物學的廣泛關注。眾所周知,衰老過程伴隨著與年齡相關的病理過程的發展,如中風、腦血管意外、動脈粥樣硬化性腦病、惡性生長、內分泌和免疫紊亂等。了解衰老過程的分子機製,可能為解決與衰老相關的問題提供最佳策略。在解釋衰老的主要機製的假說和理論中,自由基理論占有重要地位,該理論將與年齡相關的變化與自由基和脂質過氧化產物、蛋白質對細胞膜和細胞遺傳裝置的分子損傷積累聯係起來[1,2]。根據該理論,自由基是體內各種氧化反應的結果,對大分子(脂質、核酸和蛋白質),導致其降解和老化。在兩條不同DNA鏈的堿基之間活性氧的影響下,DNA與蛋白質,或蛋白質的兩個氨基酸殘基可以形成共價鍵,或“連接”?這種鏈接的形成是極其危險的,因為它侵犯了蛋白質和基因的功能活性,並可能發生突變。基因變化和氧化應激對人類細胞衰老非常重要[4,5]。氧化反應導致:細胞內穩態紊亂,這有助於疾病的發展或過早衰老。脂質不僅是細胞膜的結構成分;它們在功能活動中也起著重要作用。 The activity of membrane ferments and receptors, as well as cell phagocytosis and adhesion, depend on the phase properties of the lipid membrane, such as viscosity, surface charge, and polarity. Impaired lipid metabolism in an aged organism can result in a number of pathological processes in humans and animals. Among the most important apoptosis regulators are sphingosine, ceramid, sphingosin1-phospate which plays the role of the secondary messengers of the apoptotic signal. Ceramid and sphingosine modulate the activity of a variety of enzymes and transcription factors; particularly, they activate various protein kinases involved in the transduction of proapoptotic signal [6,7].


研究對象為體重150 ~ 200克(幼)和250 ~ 350克(老)的白色異種大鼠。每個實驗20隻大鼠進行7個係列(神經節苷和中性糖脂)、10個係列(蛋白質氧化修飾和脂質過氧化)實驗。所有實驗均按照《歐洲保護實驗及其他科學用途脊椎動物公約》進行。腦線粒體分離於含0.25 M蔗糖和0.01 M Tris HCl緩衝液,pH為7.4的培養基中,在速度為600 g的速度下沉澱細胞核後,以13 000 g的速度差速離心。神經節苷采用德國默克公司的薄層色譜板和溶劑體係氯仿:甲醇:2.5 M銨(60:35:8)測定。神經節苷的含量以n -乙酰神經氨酸的含量來評價[8,9]。腦苷和硫化物的沉澱取決於氯仿甲醇脂提取物經三氯乙酸和水處理後,在水和氯仿層的界麵處形成致密的白色層的能力。使用氯仿:甲醇:濃氨(80:20:0.4)作為流動相,通過TLC (TLC plates, Merck, Germany)對腦苷和硫化物進行分離。測定腦苷量通過測定了糖渣與間苯二酚和硫化物用量的相互作用通過硫酸基與天藍色的相互作用[8,9]

為了分離鞘氨甘肽殘基,將腦苷和硫化物的混合物用H2所以4:甲醇混合物(1:20)在78-80℃下反應6 h,然後用乙醚提取鞘氨醇殘渣。通過與甲基橙的顯色反應測定鞘氨醇在波長415 nm處的吸光度[8,9]。脂質過氧化(LPO)測定為丙二醛(MDA)水平。與硫代巴比妥酸反應檢測MDA水平[8,10]。通過氧化氨基酸殘基與2,4 -二硝基苯肼(2,4 DNPH)相互作用檢測蛋白質氧化修飾,從而形成2.4-二硝基苯腙[10]。蛋白質含量按Lowry法[11]測定。用Student 's檢驗評價結果的統計學顯著性;p≤0.05時,認為差異有統計學意義。


通過研究腦內神經節苷含量(圖1),我們發現4種神經節苷因神經氨酸含量不同而不同,具有高互換性的特點。結果發現,所有主要神經節苷組分(單、二、三和四節神經節苷)的含量均有所下降。這些糖脂位於質膜的外層單分子層,使其攜帶總負電荷的碳水化合物鏈暴露在外界環境中。質膜糖鞘脂組成的調節也可能影響神經元的興奮性(因為神經節苷與帶負電荷的唾液酸飽和)。在軸突受損的脊髓神經節神經元中,神經節苷代謝發生改變,並伴隨著細胞膜上唾液酸含量的增加。研究認為,質膜上負電荷的增加(由於唾液酸)導致神經元的高興奮性[5,12]。神經節苷是由n -酰基鞘氨醇(神經酰胺)經腦苷形成合成的,它們的主要區別在於結構中存在n -乙酰神經氨酸。通過對對照動物大腦中中性糖脂的研究,發現了兩種腦苷類和硫化物,以及兩種脂肪酸含量不同的硫化物組分(圖2)。本研究結果表明,隨著年齡的增長,大腦中中性糖脂的總組分和部分組分含量都在下降。年輕大鼠中性糖脂總含量為18.03 mg/g,而老齡大鼠中性糖脂總含量為9.39 mg/g。腦側苷主要定位於髓磷脂,而硫化物則存在於非髓磷脂白質中。 The main function of myelin is the fast propagation of nerve impulses via axons surrounded by a myelin sheath. In addition to the transmission of nerve impulses, the myelin sheath serves as a source of nutrition for the nerve fiber and also provides structural support and protection for the nerve. We believe that the decrease in the studied fractions in old rats may be one of the underlying causes of impaired brain function observed during aging. The increase in the sphingosine content in the brains of aged rats is of particular interest. The results of the study of sphingosine, which is a product of the hydrolytic decomposition of neutral glycolipids, demonstrated the increase in its content in the brains of old animals. Free sphingosine is formed from sphingomyelins and cerebrosides via enzymatic cleavage by ceramidase and as a result sphingomyelinase forms sphingosine and fatty acid. Sphingomyelinase is found in almost all cells, but most of it is contained in the myelin of brain cells. Recently published data suggests that the sphingomyelinase activation depends on oxidative processes in the cell. When free radical processes are activated, the sphingomyelinase activity increases, which leads to the accumulation of ceramide and sphingosine. Sphigosine participates in the regulation of cell proliferation and cell death because it can inhibit the activity of protein kinase C [13]. Ceramide and sphingosine mediate apoptosis, and their accumulation in brain cells leads to the activation of apoptosis. Changes in the lipid content in the cell membrane, along with metabolic changes, are often caused by processes of free radical oxidation. The certain stable level of free radical reactions was detected in the brain tissues of young rats. An increase in MDA content was found during the study of oxidative processes in mitochondrial fraction of brain tissues of old rats. High content in the brain tissues of easily oxidized substrates such as polyunsaturated fatty acids and non heme iron (which is an activator of lipid peroxidation) contributes to increased levels of lipidperoxides in the mitochondrial fraction of the brain tissues. Under these conditions, the mitochondrial electron transfer chain becomes an important source of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are an unstable and highly reactive byproduct of the metabolism. (Figure 3) ROS cause oxidative protein modification associated with an increase in membrane damage. It is believed that, under oxidative stress, ROS first attack the membrane proteins, rather than lipids [14]. Data analysis shows that (see picture) the level of carbonyl groups in the mitochondrial fraction of brain tissues of old rats is significantly higher than in tissues of young animals. This indicates an age associated increase in oxidative protein damage. (Figure 4)

圖1:腦正常神經節苷含量(μg唾液酸/g組織)和衰老時的神經節苷含量(n=7) < 0.001。

圖2:正常腦組織中中性糖脂和鞘氨醇含量及老年腦組織中鞘氨醇含量(mcg/g) (n=7) <0.001。

圖3:幼齡和老齡大鼠腦組織線粒體部分丙二醛定量含量Nm /mg蛋白(n=10) p<0.05。

圖4:幼齡和老年大鼠腦組織中2,4 -二氫苯肼衍生物的含量。P <0.05 (n=10) mg/g組織。

356 nm(基本醛衍生物)








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引用:Laura H, Gayane G, Hasmik Z(2019)實驗大鼠衰老過程中的脂質代謝和氧化應激。細胞幹細胞再生醫學4(1):dx.doi.org/10.16966/2472-6990.121

版權:©2019勞拉·H等人。這是一篇開放獲取的文章,根據創作共用署名許可協議(Creative Commons Attribution License)發布,該協議允許在任何媒體上不受限製地使用、分發和複製,前提是注明原作者和來源。


  • 收到日期:2019年1月28日

  • 接受日期:2019年4月17日

  • 發表日期:2019年4月24日,