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Levon Khachigian教授是一種血管細胞和分子生物學家,其研究集中在理解基本的轉錄機製上,導致我們的血管中有害基因的誘導表達。作為一名翻譯研究人員,他開創了針對各種實驗性血管疾病中關鍵調節基因的新型策略的發展,包括血管成形術後再狹窄,心肌梗死,眼部新血管形成和腫瘤血管生成。他成功地通過癌症患者的“人類首次人類”臨床試驗指導了新型DNA藥物的基礎臥位翻譯。他發表了200多種原始研究文章和邀請的評論,包括自然,科學,柳葉刀,自然醫學,科學轉化醫學,自然生物技術和癌細胞的關鍵論文。他是1000名教職員工(藥物發現與設計)的成員,也是亞美尼亞國家科學院的外國成員。Professor Khachigian and his team’s innovative work has been recognized by a number of awards including the Commonwealth Health Minister's Award for Excellence in Health and Medical Research, GlaxoSmithKline Australia Award for Research Excellence, Gottschalk Award from the Australian Academy of Science, 3 separate Eureka Prizes (for Scientific Research, Medical Research and International Scientific Collaboration) from The Australian Museum, and First Prize in the United Nations-sponsored Khwarizmi International Award for Science and Technology. Professor Khachigian has a strong record of service to international and national scientific societies and has been at the helm of numerous conferences in vascular biology, drug design and discovery, and interdisciplinary health and medical research. Professor Khachigian is past President of the Australian Society of Medical Research and past President of the Australian Vascular Biology Society. Professor Khachigian is currently NHMRC Senior Principal Research Fellow at the University of New South Wales, Sydney.
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