



Ole Reigstad1、2 *詹姆斯·艾德·麥克弗森1、4Marte Myhre Reigstad1、3

4挪威Vestre Viken醫院信托眼科

*通訊作者:Ole Reigstad, Oevrevoll賽馬場/挪威騎師協會,Jar,挪威奧斯陸大學醫院骨科外科,電話:+ 4790770648;電子郵件:ole.reigstad@gmail.com




騎馬在休閑和運動中都很受歡迎。與馬有關的傷害很常見,通常會導致骨折和頭部受傷。在騎馬為常見活動的地區,這些損傷可能會對衛生保健係統造成重大負擔[1,2]。據報道,在傳統的騎馬運動中,大約每2000小時就會有1人受傷,或每年每10000名居民中就有4人受傷。職業賽馬是一項風靡全球的體育運動,在許多國家是一項大型觀賞性運動,也是一項重要的經濟產業[4,5]。高速度、純種馬和跨欄比賽的結合使嚴重受傷的風險很高。在澳大利亞等重要的賽馬國家,據估計每240次騎馬就有騎師摔倒,其中三分之一發生受傷[4,6]。死亡是常見的,每年騎師傷亡報告[7]。挪威(500萬居民)是國際賽馬運動中的一個小國。挪威有一條賽馬場,位於首都奧斯陸郊區的Oevrevoll賽馬場。 The races are completed from April through November (closed during the winter season). Oevrevoll has both a dirt and grass track, all hurdle races are performed on grass. The last fatal injury occurred more than 40 years ago, but less serious injuries occur regularly. The emergency medical service at the races is regulated by Oevrevoll Galopp/ Norwegian Jockey Association and Norwegian Rikstoto (the latter are in charge of the bookmaking). A medical doctor and a two-person ambulance are obligatory present on all race days, no races run unless both are in place. As a consequence of numerous injuries afflicting both horses and jockeys, injury preventive measurements have been implemented over the previous years. These have included new and lower hurdles (94 cm) with softer edges and an “escape” opening on the outer perimeter (Figure 1), water jump fences has been removed, and steeplechase fences (higher fences, often with open ditches) are never used. Obligatory safety equipment for the jockeys is demonstrated in figure 2. In addition, strict adherence to the rules were implemented, and include jockeys having to remain in their track during the race, distraction is not accepted, whips are not permitted (special Norwegian rule) [8] and violation of rules leads to a penalty fee or even a ban). Furthermore, a thorough evaluation of the tracks are performed prior to and during race days, resulting in cancellation of races if the track is too wet, slippery or otherwise deemed unsuitable for use.






這些數字用頻率表表示。我們比較了事件和傷害的發生,使用比例的比較,與組之間的卡方檢驗。在雙變量分析中,騎師地位(業餘/專業),比賽類型每兩組進行比例比較,比賽長度三種常見長度(1100米,1600米和2400米)相互比較。p值<0.05為有統計學意義。采用SPSS®for windows進行統計分析。


在完整登記的兩個賽季中,共有34次登記跌倒,總發生率為1/16場比賽,1/147次個人跑。跌倒的原因主要是馬匹不穩(18人)、馬匹打滑(8人)、起跑箱問題(3人)和其他各種原因(5人)。跨欄比賽的跌倒率最高(6/16場),低於土地賽(13/261場)和草地比賽(15/253場),p< 0.05。兩個賽季我們有13人受傷。在跨欄比賽中摔倒後沒有受傷記錄(0/16),受傷在泥土比賽(7/261)和草地比賽(6/253)中平均分布。受傷包括骨折(2例);一名患者有兩處肋骨骨折,另一名患者有一處尺骨近端粉碎性骨折。後者是最嚴重的傷勢,致使騎師請了3個月的病假。骨折愈合,無殘留問題(圖3a-3d)。

圖3a- 3d:3a)職業騎師尺骨近端粉碎性骨折的x線片。3b) 3個月後隨訪x線片(肘關節上方石膏保守治療6周)。3c)和3d)隨訪肘部功能良好



挪威的賽道運動是安全的,摔倒和受傷的發生率很低。安全措施得到嚴格執行,從而將事故減少到最低限度。與澳大利亞的賽道相比,我們的摔倒次數更多,但受傷人數更少。Hitchens等人[7]進行了回顧性回顧,發現與我們相比,嚴重損傷的頻率更高。這可能是由於回顧性設計中對受傷情況進行了再現,使得結果受到回憶偏差的影響。對於更嚴重的傷害(容易回憶/記住),該設計可能是準確的,而沒有後果的摔倒或擦傷和挫傷等輕傷可能被低估了。作者還評估了傷害和保險索賠,觀察到平原比賽的騎行頻率為6/10000,跨欄比賽的騎行頻率為65/10000。保險索賠記錄的受傷頻率與我們的不同,在運動員中,肢體骨折的頻率更高(1/3的受傷索賠)。挪威有包括病假和醫療費用的公共福利製度,這意味著保險公司很少被要求報銷病假和醫療費用。因此很難對這些數字進行比較。 Overall we only registered one limb fracture in approximately 1000 races (for the whole four season period), sustaining a very low incidence of these common race track injuries. The frequency of falls during hurdle races in our material was substantially higher than during flat races. This in line with previous studies from horse racing internationally; hurdles are consistently found to result in 10-15 times the number of falls [5,6] compared to flat races. Internationally, injury frequency is similar, also occurring much more frequently in hurdle races. The explanation for the relatively few injuries in Norwegian hurdle races is likely to be multifactorial. Hurdle races comprise a small proportion of the total number of races in Norway (16 hurdle races as compared to 514 flat races per 2 seasons), jockeys are carefully selected for these races and amateurs never partake in hurdle races in Norway. Finally, the implementation of modern injury-preventing lower hurdles and removing of water fences is likely to reduce injuries; staple chase is a major contributor to accidents in other countries 5. Not surprising, we found a higher risk of injury among amateurs as compared to professional jockeys, implying the importance of experience as an injury preventive measure. This is in line with existing literature from around the world, which reports a higher incidence of injuries among apprentices and amateurs [9,10]. Since one has to crawl before one can walk, it is difficult to do specific prevention to reduce the amateur injuries. Increasing the hours of training on the track prior to racing could reduce some of the injuries. Hitchens et al [7] found that younger horses (inexperienced) and horses that had taken part in fewer races were risk factors for falls and injuries [10]. Subsequently, a more thorough selection of experienced race track horses for amateur/inexperienced jockeys may be a measure with which to avoid uneasy or uncontrollable horses and thereby reduce injuries. Overall, we could not identify high risk areas where measures could be implemented to reduce the amount of injuries. In the setting where the risk of falls and injuries is relatively low, it is our experience that the jockeys have been hesitant to employ more extensive safety equipment. Measures such as helmets protecting the face, cervical and lumbar spine protection, hip protectors and more advanced safety boots are likely to be perceived to impact their riding abilities. Horse sport is an international sport, where both jockeys and horses change their working location and environment frequently. The health of the jockeys is important to keep attention on, and injury prevention must not be forgotten, especially in order to be able to identify risk factors and injury patterns for early intervention.


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  2. McLatchie GR(1979)馬術損傷——一項為期一年的前瞻性研究。運動醫學13:29-32。[Ref。
  3. Thomas KE, Annest JL, Gilchrist J, Bixby-Hammett DM(2006) 2001-2003年美國急診部門治療的非致命馬相關傷害。運動醫學雜誌40:619-626。[Ref。
  4. Curry BA, Hitchens PL, Otahal P, Si L, Palmer AJ(2015)純種馬比賽中的工傷:2002年至2010年澳大利亞騎師的保險支付和傷害分析。動物科學(巴塞爾)5:897-909。[Ref。
  5. Turner M, McCrory P, Halley W(2002)英國和愛爾蘭共和國1992-2000年職業賽馬受傷情況。運動醫學雜誌36:403-409。[Ref。
  6. Balendra G, Turner M, McCrory P(2008)英國賽馬職業騎師的職業生涯結束受傷(1991-2005)。體育醫學42:22-24。[Ref。
  7. Hitchens PL, Blizzard CL, Jones G, Day LM, Fell J(2009)澳大利亞比賽日騎師摔倒發生率,2002-2006。醫學雜誌190:83-86。[Ref。
  8. Galopp挪威賽馬會規則(NJAO) 2017。[Ref。
  9. Balendra G, Turner M, McCrory P, Halley W(2007) 1993-2006年英國和愛爾蘭業餘賽馬(點對點賽馬)受傷。中華體育雜誌41:162-166。[Ref。
  10. 希欽斯PL,暴雪CL,瓊斯G,戴LM,費爾J(2012)澳大利亞平地賽馬中騎師經驗與比賽日之間的聯係。注射預防18:385-391。[Ref。





引用:Reigstad O, MacPherson JE, Reigstad MM(2017)職業賽馬中的事故和傷害,挪威賽馬運動中一項為期2年的騎師傷害完整登記。中華骨科雜誌(1):dx.doi.org/10.16966/ 2576-6449.105

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  • 收到日期:2017年11月10日

  • 接受日期:2017年12月6日

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