


Ghalia Khellaf1 *M Saidani1年代Missoum2T Rayane3.L Kaci4mc Gubler5M Benabadji1

1 阿爾及利亞Beni Messous醫院Benkheda Youssef大學腎內科
2 Boubnider Salah大學腎髒學係,Daksi, Constantine,阿爾及利亞
3. Benkheda Youssef Université,阿爾及利亞Nefissa Hamoud醫院腎內科
4 阿爾及利亞病理學私人實驗室
5 Inserm U423, Tour Lavoisier, Hôpital Necker, AP-HP,巴黎,法國

*通訊作者:Ghalia Khellaf, Benkheda Youssef大學腎內科,Beni Messous醫院,阿爾及利亞,電子郵件:g.khellaf@yahoo.fr



病例報告:我們報告一例28歲的一級近親婚姻患者,有多飲多尿家族史,工作人員因中度腎損害和虛弱住院,發現小管性蛋白尿伴低尿酸血症、高磷尿和高鈣尿,診斷為Toni Debré Fanconi綜合征。另一方麵,由於患者麵部特殊,肝脾腫大、高甘油三酯血症和血小板減少症的存在,診斷為Niemann Pick B型綜合征,經生化化驗和遺傳學研究確診。


托尼Debré範可尼綜合征;尼曼Pick B綜合征;腎功能衰竭


Toni Debré Fanconi綜合征是一種複雜的管病,其特征是近端管的全身性功能障礙[1,2],導致腎小球濾液、氨基酸、葡萄糖、磷酸鹽、碳酸氫鹽、鈣、鉀、尿酸和其他溶質成分的尿漏。這種綜合征可能繼發於中毒(汞、鉛)、遺傳性代謝疾病(胱氨酸尿症、半乳糖缺乏症)和癌症(骨髓瘤)。除此之外,範可尼綜合症被認為是原始的;它有時是遺傳的,並根據常染色體顯性模式傳播[1,2]。範可尼綜合征的症狀是腎漏的結果:脫水、代謝性酸中毒、低鈣血症,導致骨質脆弱、兒童佝僂病和生長遲緩,或成人骨軟化症。對病因的治療,一旦發現並可治愈,就能治愈。在其他情況下,治療是症狀:補液,鈣攝入,維生素D,堿性等。常染色體隱性遺傳,尼曼-匹克病是由於酸性鞘磷脂酶缺乏[3]。我們區分A型、B型和中間形式,稱為A/B。A型在出生後第一年表現為消化障礙,一般狀態的改變,主要的脾肝腫大,有時是棕色皮膚斑點或黃斑,然後在6到12個月之間出現神經係統的低張力,停止精神運動發展,痙攣伴屈伸。 Neurological degradation and frequent pulmonary infections lead to death around the age of 3 years. Type B forms are less severe: the neurological involvement is absent and the age of onset is very variable, until adulthood. The most consistent sign is hepatosplenomegaly, with occasional recurrent pulmonary infections, interstitial lung disease, joint pain, diarrhea, stunting and puberty [3]. Intermediate forms A/B are described with moderate, slow or late neurological involvement. The diagnosis is confirming by the determination of the activity of acid鞘磷脂酶,其殘餘活性不可能區分類型。產前診斷是可能的。重組鞘磷脂酶治療正在評估中。C型NP,最初與A型和B型一起描述,有不同的起源;它與NPC1或NPC2基因突變有關,導致膽固醇[4]缺乏酯化和細胞內運輸。


我們報告一例患者(圖1),28歲,因中度腎功能不全住院,在齋月期結束時發現腰痛和虛弱,未標記。在他的個人病史中,有8個月早產,從小多尿多飲,4歲時在兒科住院期間意外發現肝脾腫大。病因學評估沒有得出任何結論。17歲時,患者出現尋常性痤瘡病變,鼻甲肥大,伴眼瞼水腫,無下肢水腫。經檢查,28歲時,體重、身高和青春期發育正常,身高172厘米/70公斤。臉是特別的;聯想到鼻甲鼻肥大,蝴蝶翅膀的爆發和眼瞼水腫。胸部和背部有斑疹和丘疹。腹部柔軟,肝脾腫大。血壓正常在120/80 mmHg。 The rest of the clinic exam with no abnormalities. The biochemical assessment confirms the moderate renal insufficiency: creatinemia to 21 mg/l with clearance to 47 ml/mn, normal uraemia to 0.31 g/l. The level of uricemia is low: 20 mg/l. Blood ionogram and blood glucose (0.94 g/l) are normal. The diuresis is 3l/24 hours, at the urinary strip the pH is at five, there is proteinuria and glycosuria. The assessment confirms proteinuria at 1.24 g/24 h, associated with hyperuricuria at 780 mg/24 h, hypernatriuria at 200 meq/l, hyperkaliuria at 31 meq/l, hypercalciuria at 435 mg/24 h, hyperphosphaturia at 1117 mg/24 h, has neither hematuria nor leucocyturia.

圖1:阿爾及利亞臨床Toni Debré Fonconi綜合征(I 2, II 4和III 1)與Niemann Pick B綜合征(III 1)相關的家族譜係。

在無線電上,腎髒大小略有縮小(右腎:9cm,左腎:9.2 cm),它們是謹慎的高回聲,但保持良好的皮質髓質分化。腎活檢累及皮質-髓質區,可檢出6 - 15個腎小球(圖2)。2個腎小球轉化為密封麵包,其餘形態正常,無常規免疫熒光沉積。血管正常。存在兩個小的非特異性間質纖維化灶,其中一個圍繞著一些萎縮的近曲小管(圖3和圖4)。總的來說,所有的生物學結果都導致診斷Toni Debré Fanconi綜合征的結論,考慮到多尿家族史,可能是遺傳的。的確,外祖父(Pt I 2)從小就多尿多飲,35歲時患雙側腎結石,經體外碎石治療。65歲開始血液透析,72歲去世。患者的母親(Pt II.4) 52歲,有血緣關係,14歲前患有夜尿症。兒童時期的利尿量估計為3至4升/24小時。她還出現了雙側腎結石,多次接受碎石治療。她主訴腰痛和乏力。 Four pregnancies, two of which were followed by an abortion, the death on the day of their birth of 3 premature infants (6 and 8 months) and the birth, after 8 months, of 2 boys, including the patient, low birth weight (2 kg 700 g and 2 kg 500 g). During a consultation in nephrology in the dialysis center of the patient (I 2), the clinical examination and the radiological assessment are without particularities, the TA is correct at 120/70 mmHg. There is a moderate renal insufficiency: clearance of the creatinine at 65 ml/min, uremia at 0.24 g/l, associated with hypouricemia at 10.34 mg/l. The blood glucose (1.02 g/l), serum calcium (88 mg/l) and phosphoremia (30 mg/l) are within normal limits, as well as the blood ionogram, the blood count formula, the lipid profile, the protidemia and albuminemia. The urinary assessment shows minimal proteinuria at 400 mg/24 h, glycosuria at 3+, hyperuricuria at 1215 mg/24 h, hypernatriuria at 292.5 meq/24 h, and hyperkaliuria at 105 Meq/24 h. But further investigations are necessary after the presence of chronic hepatosplenomegaly. The liver test is normal and the viral serology, HIV, hepatitis B and C, is negative. Cholesterolemia is normal at 1.65 g/l but there is hypertriglyceridemia at 5.31g/l. The immunoassay provides no evidence for lupus. The hematological assessment shows thrombocytopenia at 92000/mm3.無貧血或白細胞減少。血液塗片正常,骨髓活檢顯示有大泡沫細胞提示代謝性超負荷疾病,尤其是成人高雪病或尼曼皮克病。Niemann Pick病的診斷由生化和遺傳學研究結果證實:存在一個非常低的水平52 pmol/點20小時(標準200-3500)酸鞘磷脂酶在SMPD1基因中發現了純合缺失C. (1829_1831delGCC),導致該蛋白精氨酸608 (deltaR608)的缺失。在尼曼匹克病中,胸片顯示彌漫性間質性肺病變。超聲心動圖正常。腹部超聲顯示肝腫大的不均勻性,與多發回聲結節的存在、脾髒的均勻外觀以及右側腎上腺室低回聲結節的存在有關。多普勒檢查顯示慢性肝腫大伴肝內阻滯門靜脈高壓征象,無代償障礙征象。

圖2:患者腎活檢(III 1)三色馬尾鬆染色光學鏡檢。腎小球光學正常。

圖3:患者腎活檢(III 1)。三色馬尾鬆染色光學鏡檢。非特異性小管間質病變,02個纖維化中心,其中一個包含一些萎縮的近曲小管。

圖4:患者相(III 1):雙側鼻唇皺襞出現丘疹,伴鼻甲腫大和眼瞼水腫。

放射學檢查證實鼻角肥大,鼻中隔無偏曲;鼻竇是自由的。眼底及裂隙燈檢查無特殊性。唾液腺的活檢結果正常。腎活檢經May-Grünwald Giemsa染色後複查,以骨髓中存在的“泡沫細胞”為導向,未發現腎細胞中有任何特殊沉積物。


兩種遺傳病理的關聯,一個常染色體顯性和另一個隱性,是相當特殊的。它可能是診斷錯亂的根源,一種疾病掩蓋了另一種疾病。在我們的病例中,患者患有中度慢性腎衰竭,有多尿家族史,並在其母親處進行了血尿檢查,結果使我們迅速診斷為Toni Debré Fanconi綜合征家族常染色體顯性[2,5]。在這種情況下,腎活檢隻顯示離散的,非特異性局灶性小管間質病變。但在該患者中,一些臨床和臨床旁因素,特別是慢性肝脾腫大和血小板減少,仍然無法解釋。他們確實討論了狼瘡的診斷,但他們特別提到了髓質活檢和大泡沫細胞導致超負荷疾病,高雪病或尼曼-皮克病,考慮到這個病人在成人年齡的症狀[6]。酶學研究[7]和遺傳學證實了NP綜合征的診斷與SMPD1基因相關。在我們的患者中觀察到的突變是純合子delta R610突變,這在馬格裏布患者中特別常見[8,9]。與這種突變相關的臨床表現是在B型[10]中觀察到的,它是該病最常見和最不嚴重的疾病,與文獻報道的病例一樣,診斷較晚,為28歲[8,11]。皮膚受累已在文獻中報道,其特征是麵部、背部和胸部[12]丘疹性病變。 However, the presence of palpebral eodema has not been reported in the literature, which made us discuss a renal origin, this hypothesis quickly eliminated on the absence of important proteinuria, The radiological assessment revealed opacities suggestive of diffuse interstitial pneumonitis [5,11] and ultrasonography revealed heterogeneous liver parenchyma and presence of a hypoechoic nodule in the right adrenal lodge Interestingly, no cellular overload, no glomerulopathy was observed in the renal parenchyma, even during the directed reading of slides, after genetic confirmation of NP diagnosis. In the literature, two reports of renal impairment in patients with NiemannPick syndrome have been reported [13,14]. But in both cases, it was a fortuitous association, observed in patients with NP type C. On the other hand, an observation of renal damage directly related to the disease was reported in a patient with NP type A/B [15]. Impairment of renal function was detected at 14 years of age, more than 10 years after splenectomy. Renal biopsy revealed, apart from lesions of glomerular sclerosis and tubular atrophy, a massive lipid overload of podocytes, more irregular tubular cells associated with interstitial foci of foam cells. In electron microscopy, multiple, roughly lamellar, membraneembedded osmiophilic inclusions were present in the cytoplasm of podocytes, and more occasionally in vascular tubular and endothelial cells and sometimes in the nerves. These “myelinic” inclusions seems those observed in Fabry disease, but their distribution, respecting endothelial and mesangial glomerular cells, is different [16,17]. Unlike NP disease, renal impairment is commonly seen in other lipid storagerelated diseases, such as inherited lecithin-cholesterol-acyltransferase deficiency [18] or in other sphingolipidoses, such as Fabry’s disease or metachromatic leukodystrophy. In this patient aged 28 years, carrier of 2 pathologies, the long-term prognosis is reserved. The renal prognosis depends on the syndrome of Toni Debré Fanconi and therefore the risk of repeated episodes of dehydration leading, as in his parents, to calcium precipitation. A daily fluid intake, sufficient even in the young period, must prevent these accidents. On the other hand, NP disease exposes him to multiple complications, cardiac, hemorrhagic, hepatic, and pulmonary [8]. Apart from the symptomatic treatment, a substitution therapy will be indicating; a therapeutic approach that we think is necessary or indispensable in our country.


我們報告了一名患者的兩種罕見的遺傳病理,一個常染色體顯性,Toni Debré Fanconi綜合征,和另一個常染色體隱性,尼曼-匹克病的異常關聯。診斷流浪24年至今;病人隻接受對症治療。這一觀察結果使我們能夠強調遺傳性疾病在我國造成的問題的重要性,因為我國有很高的血緣關係[19],堅持需要開展家庭和遺傳研究,以考慮酶替代療法,並促進遺傳谘詢,以減少這些嚴重遺傳疾病的發病率。


Ghalia Khellaf博士和其他作者宣稱沒有利益衝突。


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引用:Khellaf G, Saidani M, Missoum S, Rayane T, Kaci L,等(2019)一個綜合征隱藏著另一個,關於阿爾及利亞的一個家庭。腎衰5(1):dx.doi.org/10.16966/2380-5498.170

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