毛羅·佐丹奴1 *iziana Ciarambino1瑪麗亞Caterina步伐2瑪麗亞比阿特麗斯Passavanti2安德裏亞Viggiano2朱塞佩Paolisso1Caterina Aurilio2路易吉Adinolf埃利奧1
1意大利那不勒斯第二大學醫學、外科、神經學、代謝和老年病學科學係*通訊作者:Mauro Giordano,醫學博士,醫學副教授,意大利那不勒斯第二大學醫學、外科、神經學、代謝和老年科學學係,意大利那不勒斯80138,p.zza L. Miraglia, E-mail: mauro.giordano@unina2.it
結果:在HD組中,SF-36與最大疼痛水平呈正相關(r: 0.723;p < 0.05)。同樣,PSQI與最大疼痛水平之間存在統計學上顯著的負相關(r: -0.795;p < 0.05)。
在研究方案中,共有74名老年2型糖尿病CKD (G3b-4、G5期)[8]受試者被納入研究。所有患者通過病史、體格檢查、常規實驗室檢查和綜合老年病學評估進行臨床評估。糖尿病在過去20年被診斷出來。所有患者的入選標準包括:年齡為>,65歲;McGill問卷評估無慢性疼痛的證據(McGill評分=2),無抑鬱症狀的證據(GDS-15<5),無營養不良的證據(白蛋白水平>3.5 g/dL);維持或喪失日常生活六項基本活動中的一項的功能獨立性;通過迷你精神狀態檢查(MMSE) >評估,無明顯認知障礙的證據24;沒有可能高度影響情緒狀態的嚴重疾病的證據(例如:癌症、殘留缺陷的症狀性腦血管疾病、精神分裂症和其他精神病);疾病嚴重程度,根據總體疾病嚴重程度(CIRS) <3(中等)的累積疾病分級表進行評估。由於血液透析患者的特征是共病指數(CIRS-CI)升高,對抑鬱症狀有影響,我們將其與CIRS-CI水平相似的老年患者(如住院組)進行比較。 The exclusion criteria are: oncology-related chronic pain disorder or the use of opioid analgesic, major anti-depressive or anxiolytic agents. The purpose of the study was explained to all subjects and their voluntary written consent was obtained before their participation. The study protocol was reviewed and approved by Ethical Committee of our Institution (121/2014).
本研究納入以下組:36例非血液透析患者(非hd組),平均年齡75±3歲,體重指數(BMI) 26.5±3 Kg/m2收縮壓(SBP)為125±09 mmHg,舒張壓(DBP)為80±4 mmHg, HBA1c為6.8±0.4%,GDS-15為3±1,血透患者(HD組)38例,平均年齡76±2歲,BMI為26.1±2 kg/m2收縮壓122±08 mmHg,舒張壓81±3 mmHg,糖化血紅蛋白6.7±0.5%,GDS-15為4±2。根據McGill問卷評估,在基線時,所有患者均無慢性疼痛。臨床特征見表1。
認知功能通過迷你精神狀態檢查(MMSE)進行評估,MMSE是一種廣泛使用的測量整體認知狀態[9]的篩查工具。它由30個項目組成,分為兩個部分。第一部分需要聲音反應,包括定向、記憶和注意力。第二部分的重點是命名能力,遵循口頭和書麵命令,寫一個句子和複製一個複雜的多邊形。總分最高為30分,得分低於24分表示嚴重認知障礙[9],盡管采用了其他評分。評估抑鬱症狀的篩查測試包括老年抑鬱症量表15項(GDS-15)[10]。GDS是專門用來評估老年患者[11]的抑鬱症狀的。GDS-15是一個由15個問題[12]組成的簡化版本,已被發現與最初的30個項目的文書[13]高度相關。GDS-15是一種可靠且驗證良好的測量老年人抑鬱[10,14]和CKD患者[15]的方法。反應編碼1 =有症狀; vs. 0 = symptom not present. GDS-15 score >5 indicate depressive symptoms [10]. To assess physical illness we used the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS) [16]. This measure evaluates the cumulative score derived from ratings of the degree of impairment in each of 13 major organ groups (cardiac; hypertension; vascular; respiratory; eye-ear-nose-throat-larynx; upper GI; lower GI; hepatic; renal; uretersbladder-urethra-prostate-genitals; musculo-skeletal-integumentary; neurological; endocrine-metabolic) and impairment in the psychiatricbehavioral category [17]. In particular, the CIRS evaluates the clinical rating of impairment as follows: no impairment = 1; mild impairment = 2; moderate impairment = 3; severe impairment = 4 and extremely severe impairment = 5. Two CIRS summary measures were evaluated, each excluding the psychiatric/behavioural item to avoid confounding with mental health and cognitive functioning. First, overall illness severity is represented by the mean of the 13 CIRS items. Second, the comorbidity index (CIRS-CI), which reflects the diversity of severe illnesses, is the total number of the 13 categories in which moderate, severe or extremely severe impairment levels of disease are recorded. The functional status is evaluated by Activities of Daily Living (ADL) [18]. It consists of six items for evaluation of self-care, which measure the functional status as dependence in each of the six ADL. Dependence is defined as no ability to manage the following activities: bathing, toileting, transferring, continence, dressing and eating. One point was assigned for each of activities in which a subject was dependent, ranging from 0 (independent in all activities) to 6 (totally dependent).
參與者被要求完成HRQoL問卷(SF-36v2健康調查)[21]。SF-36已廣泛用於腎病患者,在該患者人群中具有良好的心理測量特征來評估HRQoL[22]。SF- 36是一份經過充分驗證的36項問卷,涵蓋了與身體、心理和社會功能相關的問題,對HRQoL的8個子量表進行了從0(最差)到100(最好)的評分:身體功能(PF)、角色-身體(RP)、身體疼痛(BP)、一般健康(GH)、活力(VT)、社會功能(SF)、角色-情感(RE)和精神健康(MH)。beplay最新下载它由兩個部分組成的總結得分,身體部分總結(PCS)和心理部分總結(MCS)。得分越高,HRQoL[23]越好。麥吉爾調查問卷旨在提供臨床疼痛的定量測量。它主要由3類主要的詞彙描述詞組成——感官的,情感的和評價的——患者使用它們來描述主觀的疼痛體驗。它還包含一個強度量表和其他項目,以確定疼痛體驗的性質。此外,該問卷還包括一個上麵的表格,以記錄必要的醫療信息(如診斷和藥物攝入),身體線圖,以表明疼痛的空間分布,文字描述疼痛的時間性質,以及總體當前疼痛強度(PPI)。PPI被記錄為從1到5的數字,其中每個數字都與以下詞相關:1,溫和; 2, discomforting; 3, distressing; 4, horrible; 5, excruciating. This questionnaire initially requires 15-20 min, with increasing experience; it is completed in 5-10 min [24]. The pain threshold is evaluated with algometer [25]. This instrument consisted of a 0.8 mm needle with a round tip, fixed in a vertical position to a force transducer (FSG, Honeywell, Columbus, OH, USA). The signal from the sensor was amplified by an instrumental amplifier (INA 125, Burr Brown, Dallas TX, USA and digited with an A/D converter (MAX 147, Maxim, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). This apparatus was encased in a small plastic box (10x15x3 cm) and connected to the parallel port of a personal computer. Custom software, written with LabView (National Instruments, Austin, TX USA), permitted the display, in real time, of the force applied to the transducer over time and the recording of the data for subsequent analysis. The system was calibrated before each use with two known loads (0 g and 220 g). The testing procedure required the subject to auto-administer increasing force on the testing needle until a pain sensation was realized (minimal test). This test was repeated eight times, respectively, on the tip and on the dorsal surface of the third phalanx of the second, third, fourth and fifth finger. These eight tests were then repeated, but the subjects were asked to push on the needle until the maximum tolerable sense of pain was reached (maximal test). For each test, the maximal applied force (in grams) was defined as “pain threshold” and used for statistical analysis. Thus, two pain thresholds were evaluated: one for the minimum pain level and the other for the maximum pain level. To evaluate the overall tolerability of the described protocol, and the end of every procedure, each subjects was asked to quantify on a 0 (no discomfort) to 10 (intolerable pain) scale, the overall discomfort as a result of the exam. All questionnaires and pain threshold are performed in the interdialytic day.
所有數值均以平均值±標準誤差表示。組間比較采用無配對學生“t”檢驗。采用方差分析(ANOVA)評價樣品的同質性。p < 0.05概率水平的差異被認為顯著。
非血液透析組(non -HD)和血液透析組(HD)的體重指數(BMI)、收縮壓(SBP)、舒張壓(DBP)、HBA1c、血清肌酐、血尿素氮(BUN)、老年抑鬱量表(GDS-15)、麥gill主觀疼痛問卷和SF-36 (SF-36v2健康調查)均相似(p: ns),其平均值見表1。
同樣,non -HD組最大疼痛水平(疼痛耐受性指標)為542±24 g, HD組最大疼痛水平為749±31 g,顯著升高(p<0.05)。
在HD組中,SF-36與最大疼痛水平呈正相關(r: 0.723;p < 0.05)。此外,PSQI與最大疼痛水平之間存在顯著的負相關(r: -0.795;p < 0.05)(圖1)。
在本研究中,我們觀察到在HD組中,生活質量(SF-36評估)與最大疼痛水平(疼痛耐受指數)之間存在顯著的正相關關係。這一觀察結果強調了疼痛水平在這些患者生活質量中的關鍵作用。事實上,最近的一項研究表明,在決定ESRD[26]患者的生活質量方麵,患者對疼痛的感知可能比客觀評估更重要。慢性疼痛是CKD患者[27]的常見疾病,尤其是終末期腎病(ESRD)[28]患者。在這方麵,據報道,約80%接受透析的ESRD患者有慢性疼痛[29],35-70%的患者有中度至重度慢性疼痛[30]。有證據表明,在透析人群中,症狀(如疼痛)既不被識別[29],也不被治療[31]。盡管有一些關於慢性腎髒疾病(CKD)患者睡眠障礙和睡眠障礙及其與疼痛水平之間關係的研究,但以前從未在透析人群中研究過用算法評估的疼痛客觀感知。在我們的人群中,我們沒有觀察到主觀慢性疼痛的顯著差異,正如使用麥吉爾問卷報告的那樣。這些數據強烈表明,主觀疼痛評估可能會低估這些受試者的真實疼痛。疼痛是一種主觀感覺,因此特別難以量化和研究。 For instance,different studies have reported that pain level, as evaluated by BPI questionnaire pain and McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF MPQ), could be under-recognized in these patients [29,33]. No studies have focused on the specific problem of pain in the dialysis population, using the algometer its evaluation. The algometer is quick and easy to execute and does not require complicated training for the examiner and is virtually free of any mechanical interference from the tester [25]. In the present study, we report the pain level, evaluated by an algometer, in elderly haemodialysis patients; demonstrating that an increased pain threshold characterizes ESRD patients.
圖1:最大疼痛閾值與SF-36呈正相關(r: 0.723)。PSQI與最大疼痛閾值負相關(p<0.005;接待員:-0.795)。
引用:Giordano M, Ciarambino T, Pace MC, Passavanti MB, Viggiano A等。(2015)老年糖尿病血液透析患者疼痛耐受/睡眠障礙與生活質量的關係。腎衰竭1(3):http://dx.doi。org/10.16966/2380 - 5498.114
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