藥物研究和Development-Sci Forschen



薩阿德Sabbar Dahham*


*通訊作者:薩阿德Sabbar Dahham、部門科學、Rustaq教育學院,大學的應用科學(CAS),阿曼蘇丹國,電話:0096895625557;電子郵件:Saad.dahham.rus@cas.edu.om

癌症是無法控製體內異常細胞的生長。有超過100種癌症,每年導致約800萬人死亡。癌細胞來自正常的細胞機製的失調;,他們的特點是改變多種基因的表達,導致局部組織入侵,最終可能變成轉移。在致癌作用,細胞進行多步過程來獲得特定的特征,可以促進癌症的發展,包括這六個基本特征:誘導增殖信號,逃避生長抑製,避免程序性細胞死亡,使複製的永生,維持血管生成,激活入侵和轉移。這六個關鍵特性的癌症最近修改添加兩個特征:重新編程細胞新陳代謝的能力產生足夠的能量,以及避免免疫破壞的能力。惡性增生也認為獲得額外的特征,這使他們能夠促進炎症和基因組不穩定[1]。話雖這麼說,我們很高興地介紹的畢業典禮(《藥物研究和開發)與傑出的評論家和編輯在癌症生物學領域,討論分子癌症治療的新方法。在這個問題上,我們希望產生的文章提供了獨特的見解的新方法對理解的影響天然產物開發新的抗癌藥物。在過去的幾個世紀裏,人類依賴於植物等基本需要食物,衣物、住所、運輸、狩獵武器和醫學。 The empirical findings of Sumerian, Egyptian, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurvedic, Traditional Arabic and Islamic Medicine (TAIM) and Western Herbalism have formed the basis of advanced traditional medicine system that have been held, and still holds, an important position in primary health care. In more recent history, the use of medicinal plants has involved the isolation of natural active compounds. This approach initiated a new field wherein drug from plants could be purified, characterized and utilized as pharmaceutical agents. A wide range of plant derived natural products have been reported to have ability to induce apoptosis in various cancer cells such as, Gallic acid, Curcumin, Capsaicin and Resveratrol [2]. Although, there are many therapeutic approaches to treating cancer, results are not fully satisfactory because the cytotoxicity of chemotherapy to solid tumors is nonspecific. Besides, selective anticancer drugs are lacking and some recurring tumors can become resistant to drugs. The capacity of a chemotherapeutic agent to target malignant cells while preserving normal cells is the brand of a promising anti-cancer drug. Thus, the discovery of really effective anticancer drugs is very important and highly challenging mission. Most recently, our research team in EMAN testing and research laboratoryUSM-Malaysia and CAS in Oman had the opportunity to work on several plant extracts, pure compounds and synthetic molecules towards different cancer cells, and, what we found is that many natural products have the ability to target cancer cells selectively via different mechanism. For example, β-caryophyllene is one of the major terpene found in enormous essential oils plant. It seems to possess strong inhibitory activity against colorectal tumor growth through a mechanism that appears to involve apoptosis induction and angiogenesis suppression [3]. Taken together the multi-functional properties of β-caryophyllene which includes anticancer, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities suggest that such molecule/s may interact with several components of tumor-inducing pathway [4]. With the potential benefits of natural products, we hope to discover and publish new compounds that may be therapeutically useful against carcinogenesis. This journal issue does not aim for a broad coverage of the wide and diverse area of natural products. Rather, we hope to stimulate our readership with a number of papers covering emerging discoveries in the field of research, and to resume fulfilling our obligation to highlight hot and promising topics.



  1. Hanahan D, Weinberg RA(2011)癌症的標誌:下一代。細胞144:646 - 674。(Ref。]
  2. 艾哈邁德Dahham黨衛軍,哈桑,MB, Majid, Majid, et al . (2016)在活的有機體內毒性和抗腫瘤活性精油提取從agarwood (Aquilaria crassna)。BMC補充交錯的地中海16:236。(Ref。]
  3. 艾哈邁德Dahham黨衛軍,Tabana YM,伊克巴爾馬,MB, Ezzat MO, et al .(2015)抗癌、抗氧化和抗菌性的倍半萜烯β-caryophyllene的精油Aquilaria crassna。分子20:11808 - 11829。(Ref。]
  4. 艾哈邁德Dahham黨衛軍,Tabana YM,安博凱,Majid AMSA (2015)在活的有機體內抗炎活性β-caryophyllene,通過分子成像評估。分子醫學化學1:e1001。(Ref。]





引用:Dahham SS(2018)在癌症研究中天然產物的作用:希望再現。J藥物Res Dev 4 (1): doi http://dx.doi.org/10.16966/2470 - 1009. e103

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  • 收到日期:2017年10月31日

  • 接受日期:2017年12月26日

  • 發表日期:2018年1月02