臨床研究:Open Access-Sci Forschen



路易吉羅密歐1 *Gabriele Anania1羅賓儂瑟瑞娜1克裏斯蒂娜Bombardini1弗朗西斯卡Petrarulo1喬治•Ercolani2








膽道囊腫是一種罕見的膽道畸形病理,占良性膽道疾病[1]的1%。報道的發病率根據不同的序列可能有所不同,亞洲人群[2](1:1.000 - 1:10萬)高於東方國家,約為1:10萬- 1:15萬。女性更常感興趣,比例為4:1[2,3]。





一位30歲的女性來到費拉拉的聖安娜醫院的急診科,抱怨上腹部和右疑肋痛,但沒有發燒。她過去的記憶是陰性的,她沒有接受家庭治療。體檢沒有發現任何相關症狀。患者行腹部超聲檢查,發現36毫米膽總管囊性擴張,未見膽道其他束擴張或其他急性病理征象。考慮到不需要住院的情況,病人出院了。三天後,該婦女回到我們的急診科,提到症狀持續存在。血清總膽紅素為4mg /dL,直接膽紅素為2,5 mg/dL。患者行腹部CT掃描,發現肝內和肝外膽管擴張,在膽總管(CBD)處最大直徑為5cm,止於CBD胰部起點(圖1)。患者入院嚐試內鏡逆行胰膽管造影(ERCP)。入院後第一天,ERCP顯示肝外CBD擴張伴乳頭狀狹窄,並放置10 Fr塑料支架。患者還接受了磁共振胰膽管造影術(MRCP),證實CBD擴張22毫米(圖2)。此外,對過去影像的修訂顯示2004年腹部超聲顯示CBD擴張,對患者記憶的重新評估顯示其在兒科年齡時有反複腹痛的個人病史。 These anamnestic findings, together with the clinical presentation and imaging, suggested Todani’s Type I CBD cyst diagnosis. In order to exclude other causes of biliary tract dilatation, the woman underwent endoscopic ultrasounds that confirmed the previous radiological investigations in absence of findings suspected for neoplasms. The patient was discharged few days later, after complete resolution of symptoms. One month later, the patient come back to ED complaining abdominal pain in right upper quadrant, nausea and vomit, and hyperpyrexia (38.5 ºC). Her blood tests showed neutrophilic leucocytosis, elevate C-reactive Protein and Procalcitonin plasma levels and a serum total bilirubin of 3 mg/dL. After admission, antimicrobial therapy started. Another ERCP found a partial dislocation of the biliary prosthesis, which was removed and substituted with a metallic one. She was discharged two days after the procedure.



在接下來的幾個月裏,患者因腹痛三次來我們的急診科,但她不需要住院。患者被送往Forlì Morgagni-Pierantoni醫院的普通腫瘤外科,這是肝胰膽管疾病的轉診中心,在那裏她被提交到術前評估。確診6個月後,患者行囊腫切除、膽囊切除術和Roux-en-Y肝空腸造瘺術(圖3)。術後患者無相關並發症,完全康複。



膽道囊腫的病因尚不清楚,許多理論被提出來解釋其發病機製。最被廣泛接受的一種觀點認為,異常的胰膽連接(APBJ),即由十二指腸壁外的CBD和胰管結合並形成長總管,可導致胰膽反流和隨後膽管中胰酶的激活。激活的胰腺酶破壞導管壁,導致囊腫形成[7]。也有理論認為先天性導管板畸形或獲得性遠端膽道梗阻導致膽道囊腫[8]。盡管大約80%的膽道囊腫是在兒童時期被診斷出來的,但其在成年期的外翻並不罕見。近年來,成人的診斷呈上升趨勢,主要原因是現代成像技術的普及。由間歇性黃疸、右腹部腫塊和疼痛構成的經典三聯征少見,多見於兒童。成人的症狀不是特異性的,取決於囊腫[10]的並發症。這些症狀包括反複腹痛、惡心嘔吐、消化不良和黃疸。囊腫還可導致複發性膽管炎引起的感染性並發症,如肝膿腫或敗血症和感染性休克。 Moreover, patient can reveal a personal history of recurrent abdominal pain, so attention on collecting anamnesis should be payed. Assesment of patients with symptomatic CC often starts from abdominal ultrasounds that demonstrate a cystic mass in right upper quadrant in continuity with biliary tree. CT scan can easily demonstrate if cystic lesions are in continuity with biliary tract and is more accurate than ultrasonography in diagnosis of biliary tract cysts, especially for intrahepatic and distal portions [10]. MRCP is considered the gold standard for diagnosis of CBD cysts, with report sensitivity of 90-100% [11]. It can also be performed with use of hepatospecific contrast agents, that can allow better visualization of biliary anatomy. In some cases, more invasive imaging techniques such as ERCP and Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography should be performed. The advantage of these procedures is that they could be both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Biliary tract cysts can lead to severe complications related to chronic bile stasis and inflammation characterized by important mortality and morbidity. Moreover, association between CC and cholangiocarcinoma is well known. The risk of development of malignancies of the biliary tract increase with age, with reported incidence of 10-30%. Todani’s type I and type IV cysts are mostly associated with development of cholangio carcinoma. In order to avoid complications, definitive treatment of choledochal cysts is required [5]. The correct treatment depends on the cyst type. Many surgical strategies have been proposed for type I cysts. Internal drainage of the cyst through creation of a cystenterostomy was the first treatment that gained wide diffusion, but it was burdened by many long-term complications [8]. Moreover, incomplete excision of the cyst can lead to the development of malignancies. Nowadays, complete resection of the cyst with cholecistectomy and reconstruction with hepaticojejunostomy is considered the treatment of choice for Biliary Cysts [6,12]. Early postoperative complications include pancreatitis, cholangitis and anastomotic leakage, while bile ducts and anastomotic stenosis, recurrent cholangitis or pancreatitis, biliary stones and malignancies are reported as long term complications [12]. Therefore, lifelong follow up, especially for cancer surveillance, is mandatory. When required, it is advisable to send patient to a referral centre for treatment of biliary pathologies in order to concentrate resources and expertise, to reduce the risk of surgical complications, and to guarantee better outcomes to patients.




  1. Singham J, Yoshida EM, Scudamore CH(2009)膽總管囊腫:第1部分:分類和發病機製。外科雜誌52:434-440。[Ref。
  2. Jablonska B(2012)膽道囊腫:病因學,診斷和管理。世界胃腸醇18:4801-4810。[Ref。
  3. Soares KC, Arnaoutakis DJ, Kamel I, Rastegar N, Anders R等(2014)膽總管囊腫:表現、臨床鑒別和治療。外科219:1167-1180。[Ref。
  4. Todani T, Watanabe Y, Narusue M, Tabuchi K, Okajima K(1977)先天性膽管囊腫:37例包括膽管囊腫引起的癌症的分類、手術程序和回顧。美國外科雜誌134:263-269。[Ref。
  5. Kelly-R SM, Soares KC, Ejaz A, Pawlik TM(2016)膽總管囊腫的治療。Curr Opin Gastroenterol 32: 225-231。[Ref。
  6. 馬曉濤,李誌剛,李誌剛,李誌剛(2010)先天性膽管囊腫的治療。挖掘外科27:12-18。[Ref。
  7. 先天性膽總管囊腫:基於膽總管和胰球異常關係的病因學新概念。安·Radiol(巴黎)12:231-240。[Ref。
  8. 艾迪爾,歐利諾,卡梅隆JL(2009)膽總管囊腫的治療現狀。Adv外科醫生43:221-232。[Ref。
  9. Lewis VA, Adam SZ, Nikolaidis P, Wood C,吳建國等(2015)膽總管囊腫成像。腹部成像40:1567-1580。[Ref。
  10. Singham J, Yoshid EM, Scudamore CH(2009)膽總管囊腫:第2部分:診斷。外科雜誌552:506-511。[Ref。
  11. Park DH, Kim MH, Lee SK, Lee SS, Choi JS,等(2005)MRCP能否取代ERCP對膽總管囊腫的診斷作用?胃腸內窺鏡62:360-366。[Ref。
  12. 李誌強,李誌強,李誌強(2009)膽總管囊腫的治療現狀。Adv外科醫生43:221-232。[Ref。





引用:Romeo L, Anania G, Rubino S, Bombardini C, Petrarulo F,等(2018)年輕女性膽總管囊腫:西方成人黃疸的罕見原因。Clin Res Open Access 4(2): dx.doi。org/10.16966/2469 - 6714.135



  • 收到日期:2018年2月21日

  • 接受日期:2018年3月2日

  • 發表日期:2018年3月7日