


Marshalov DV1 *Shifman EM2Salov IA1Petrenko美聯社1Ioscovich一3.

1V.I. Razumovsky Saratov國立醫科大學婦產科,俄羅斯薩拉托夫
3.Shaare Zedek醫學中心,以色列耶路撒冷希伯來大學麻醉科




引用:Marshalov DV, Shifman EM, Salov IA, Petrenko AP, Ioscovich A(2017)先兆子癇是一種妊娠期腹內高血壓綜合征——假設會成為理論嗎?臨床麻醉學雜誌2(1):doi http://dx.doi。org/10.16966/2470 - 9956.122

版權:©2016 Ioscovich A, et al.。這是一篇開放獲取的文章,根據創作共用署名許可的條款發布,允許在任何媒介上不受限製地使用、分發和複製,前提是要注明原作者和來源。


  • 收到日期:2016年4月6日

  • 接受日期:2017年1月10日

  • 發表日期:2017年1月14日

  • 摘要

    最近的研究對子癇前期(PE)的發展提出了新的假設,強調了腹腔內高壓(IAH)的重要性。IAH是改變腸灌注的重要因素),理論上可增加孕婦腸的通透性,引起細菌和內毒素易位,引起全身炎症,導致PE症狀的發生;然而,所有現有的假設都是基於經驗數據和邏輯結論。本研究旨在證實PE發展、IAH與腸道屏障功能破壞之間的關係。對343名妊娠6 ~ 40周的孕婦進行了腹內壓(IAP)動態調查。分為3組:I-215例單胎妊娠無並發症;ii組:存在妊娠並發症和分娩結局危險因素但未發生PE的患者(n = 97);III組- PE患者(n=31)。為了確定PE與影響腸屏障功能的關係,在研究IAP的同時,從妊娠中期開始,平行檢測腸道通透性和細菌內毒素水平。我們通過測量膀胱內壓間接測量IAP,並計算腹壁順應性。 The “lactulose/mannitol” test was used to assess the barrier function of the intestinal mucosa. Endotoxin levels were determined in serum by activated particles method (IRA - Endotox spp.).

    在整個妊娠期間,IAP以每兩周約1mmHg的速度呈線性增長。腹壁順應性水平的動態變化與IAP呈反向線性關係。在54.8%的病例中,IAP升高先於PE的發生。與IAP的絕對值相比,增長率對PE的發展起著更為顯著的作用。PE發展的閾值是妊娠2周內IAP增加超過2-4 mmhg。2周間隔內不同值的IAP增加的預後指數為0.806。該研究證實了IAH婦女存在腸通透性增加,其程度依賴於IAP動態,並與發生PE的嚴重程度相關(r=0.77)。腸通透性增加與內毒素血症的發生有關(r=0.82)。IAH在妊娠期是增加腸通透性和內毒素血症的因素之一。細菌和內毒素的易位引發全身炎症反應,多係統破壞。監測孕婦的IAP動態為預測PE提供了新的機會。




    最近,在科學醫學文獻中出現了一些有趣的文章,將PE的發展與IAH聯係起來。這些研究回顧了現有的PE理論,並提出了新的致病機製,其病因或多或少與妊娠期腹內壓(IAP)升高有關[1-9]。新的假設是基於R.H. Paramore的研究成果和他在上世紀初提出的體育發展的“機械論”概念[10-13]。在2000年代,一些出版物討論了IAH和PE之間可能存在的聯係,但IAH的首要地位受到了質疑[14,15]。IAP和PE之間因果關係的確定受到阻礙,因為之前的研究作者僅在研究結果存在的情況下調查了IAP,而不是作為一種預測方法。PE發展機製概念的第一次更新是在2011年由三位作者獨立且幾乎同時進行的[2-4]。這個概念的細節有一些差異,它們相互補充。這一假設源於對腎血管緊張素-醛固酮係統失衡的識別[2-4]。後來,這一與IAH相關的PE發展的情景得到了其他作者的支持,他們用新的信息證實了A. van Dalfsen和H.J. Sugerman的假設[7- 9]。該研究證明了免疫對IAH發展和PE發生率的重要性,這與腸壁滲透性增加、細菌易位和內毒素(脂多糖- LPS)、微生物細胞顆粒及其代謝產物滲透到內部環境有關。其他科學家也持同樣的觀點。 Developing their hypothesis, D.J. Sawchuck et al. [6] extended the understanding of the possible causes of PE, reinforcing information about the role of external and internal environmental factors: atmospheric pressure, living conditions, ecology and intestinal microbiome. In theory, the degree of translocation of LPS in pregnancy depends on two factors: the qualitative content of the intestinal microbiome and the degree of intestinal permeability. The intestinal microbiome is altered during pregnancy featured by an increase in titer of opportunistic gram-negative bacteria [16]. It has been shown in vitro that bacterial intestinal contents selected in the third trimester had significantly greater ability to activate the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines compared with the microflora allocated in the first trimester of pregnancy [16]. In case of injury of the barrier function of the intestinal wall, LPS translocation occurs in the mesenteric lymph nodes and then moves through the portal vein to the liver [17,18]. LPS initiates a cytotoxic immune response in Kupffer cells with CD14 protein. Certain pro-inflammatory cytokines are genetically linked to the DNA of LPS that mediate the action of endotoxin in the systemic circulation and leads to a systemic inflammatory response, oxidative stress, accumulation of macrophage foam cell in capillaries, formation of atherosclerotic plaques and subsequent multiorgan failure [16]. The conventional opinion about the leading role of the placenta and fetus as a major factor of the immune response in PE is in doubt in the context of the above.IAH is an important factor for intestinal perfusion disorder that theoretically can increase intestinal permeability in pregnant women, leading to bacterial and LPS translocation, systemic inflammation, and development of PE symptoms. The study of relations between PE and IAP is impossible without evaluation of IAP preceding the arising complications. It is necessary to know not only the actual level of IAP, but also have an understanding of the normal values of this indicator in different periods of gestation. Until now, reference values of IAP during pregnancy were not available. Publications that contain factual information on the IAP during pregnancy and the postpartum period are rare and represent data of small samples [19-26].




    為了達到目標,在2008年至2015年期間進行了前瞻性隊列研究。該研究得到了V.I. Razumovsky Saratov國立醫科大學倫理委員會的批準。前提條件是獲得患者的知情同意才能參與聲稱的研究。對343例妊娠6 ~ 40周的孕婦進行了IAP動態研究。在門診對同意參加研究的婦女進行IAP測量,當時她們正在婦女會診(6-8周)和超聲篩查期(20-24周和30-34周)。對因無症狀菌尿、存在產科和圍產期並發症發生危險因素(年齡較大、不同程度肥胖)、已確診住院妊娠並發症(胎兒胎盤功能不全、胎兒生長遲緩、妊娠期高血壓、PE)而轉診檢查的孕婦在不同妊娠期進行院內IAP研究。在妊娠期38-40周,研究在監護下的孕婦和無並發症妊娠、產前入院的患者的IAP。大多數孕婦接受了重複調查:在不同妊娠階段進行2次調查(127例),3次調查(54例)。4乘以- 22。140例,分娩前一次。

    從總組中選取符合標準的215名孕婦資料,確定IAP參考值。納入分析的標準如下:一是單胎無並發症妊娠。排除標準包括:存在IAH危險因素(肥胖、腸功能障礙、前腹壁術後瘢痕、腹腔粘連過程、羊水過多、胎兒巨大兒)。我們追蹤了本研究中所有女性的妊娠結局,以解決IAP和PE之間的致病關係和首要問題。根據妊娠高血壓國際研究學會(ISSHP)[27]的分類,PE被定義為妊娠期高血壓(妊娠20周後兩次或兩次以上對照測量確定的收縮壓>140 mm Hg或舒張壓>90 mm Hg)伴有蛋白尿(> 300 mg)。妊娠結局對IAP的依賴關係研究隻納入複查患者的結果,因為需要分析I(6-8周)和II(20-24周)三個月的數據。由於與IAP相關的因素很多,所以有必要研究IAP的水平、達到臨界值的時間以及這些測量的持續時間。因此,我們研究了PE不僅取決於特定妊娠期內IAP的絕對值,還取決於特定時間間隔內IAP的增長率,定義為Δ IAP。為了確定PE與損傷腸屏障功能之間的關係,在研究IAP的同時,我們研究了妊娠中期腸通透性和細菌內毒素血症水平。我們使用M.L. Cheatham et al.[28]的間接方法檢查IAP,並使用unometer測量膀胱內壓的封閉係統TMAbdoPressureTM(unometer)由尿量計和測量部分組成,測量部分由台階為1mmhg的刻度管製成。在仰臥位,通過尿Foley導管連接到連接器unometer進行膀胱導尿TMAbdo-PressureTM,然後將20 ml溫無菌等滲氯化鈉溶液經Kombi Kon無針口注入膀胱TM.一旦係統中充滿了溶液,儀器的測量部分就會在垂直位置通過。我們在聯合關節處設零刻度並測量IAP。使用乳膠雙向8 Ch/Fr頂置導管以減少置管過程中的不適。無菌尿道內凝膠Cathejell lidocain (Pharmazeutische Fabrik Montavit G.m.b.H., Salzbergstrasse 96 6060 Absam/Tirol Austria)在引入前應用於尿道和導管上,用於抗菌和局部麻醉作用。該程序在藥物的治療效果開始後5分鍾開始。在IAP檢查時,我們根據公式計算腹壁順應性:腹壁順應性= 100 / Δ IAP,其中Δ IAP為膀胱注入100ml溶液後的IAP與初始IAP[29]的差值。所有門診檢查的孕婦在檢查後2周內均接受電話詢問是否存在排尿困難和疼痛。測試«乳果糖/甘露醇»測試用於評估腸粘膜的屏障功能。該試驗是根據該方法進行的,證明了懷孕患者在一夜禁食和完全排空膀胱後,患者在早上8點至9點的一小時內喝下450 mL含有40克蔗糖,7.5克2克乳果糖和甘露醇的溶液。 Sucrose provides pregnant with energy during fasting. Then the urine was collected in a sterile plastic container containing 10 ml of 10% thymol in isopropyl alcohol to prevent bacterial growth for 5 hours after administration of the prepared solution. Urine volume was measured and the samples were frozen at a temperature below 20°C until analysis. The analysis was performed using amperometric pulse detector by the method of ion chromatography. Results were expressed as the percentage of sugar in the urine samples. The ratio of lactulose/mannitol excretion was calculated by excretion percent [30]. The level of endotoxin was measured in the serum by the activated particles (IRA-Endotox spp), developed in Bakoulev Center for Cardiovascular Surgery (the committee’s decision on new medical technologies Health Ministry from 24.03.2004 g.) using standard kits. The sensitivity of the method was up to 7.5 pg / ml of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of E. coli or Sal. typhi. The specificity of the method was 98.7-99.2%. STATISTICA software package was used for statistical processing (StatSoft Inc., USA, version 10.0). The results describing quantitative traits which empirical distribution did not show a statistically significant difference from the normal distribution, were presented in the form of (M ± σ), where M – the average value of sample, σ – standard deviation of the sample; if the difference between the normal law and empirical distribution was statistically significant, the results were presented as a median and an interquartile interval (Me [Q1; Q3]), where Me - median; Q1-1 (25%) quartile; Q3-3 (75%) quartile).



    在研究過程中將3組患者分開。將無並發症單胎妊娠的患者歸為i組,如前所述,以這些患者的結果作為計算妊娠各階段IAP參考值的資料。有妊娠並發症危險因素的孕婦和未發展成PE的分娩結果被分配到II組。妊娠合並PE的患者被分為III組。表1數據顯示,兩組患者的流行病學特征無明顯差異。PE患者胎盤功能不全和胎兒生長遲緩的發生率僅基於PE症狀發生前登記的病例。研究顯示,妊娠6 ~ 8周無並發症單胎妊娠患者的平均IAP為1.40±0.96 mm Hg;妊娠II期(妊娠20 ~ 24周)-11.54±3.40 mm Hg,妊娠III期(妊娠27 ~ 41周)-18.56±1.35 mm Hg。腹壁順應性動態與IAP呈負線性相關。妊娠期腹壁順應性平均值為43.20±8.77 ml/mm Hg,妊娠期腹壁順應性平均值為20.65±5.10 ml/mm Hg,妊娠期腹壁順應性平均值繼續下降至13.03±1.30 ml/mm Hg,不同妊娠期IAP平均值見表2。正常妊娠兩周內IAP的增加不超過1毫米汞柱。對門診IAP測量後2周內患者的調查未發現任何導尿相關患者的發病率。 The results of investigation of relationship between IAP and PE showed that the baseline (trimester I) values of IAP in the group with uncomplicated pregnancy were not significantly lower and not statistically significant compared with the group with PE. There were significant differences between groups in the second trimester. Meanwhile, the research of the strength of the relation between the level of IAP at the 20-24 weeks of pregnancy and the development of PE showed very weak correlation –r=0.023. p=0.752. The quality of analyzing the operating characteristics curves (ROC curves) for assessing the overall prognostic potential, determining prognostic indices of different values IAP and determining their threshold values was unsatisfactory –AUC=0.518. In the analysis of the results, it was noted that the reason for the lack of predictive value of the indicator “level of IAP” was significant difference between “normal” values of IAP in patients with different body mass index: patients with normal weight and uncomplicated gestation had average IAP of 10.83 ± 3.71 mm Hg; pregnant women with obesity I degree – 13.78 ± 1.68 mm Hg, with obesity II degree – 14.60 ± 1.52 mm Hg; with obesity III degree – 16.15 ± 1.14 mm Hg. The patients with PE complicated pregnancy had the following values of IAP at 20-24 weeks: patients with initially normal weight had IAB of 13.36 ± 3.93 mm Hg; with obesity I degree – 16.71 ± 0.76 mm Hg; with obesity II degree – 17.86 ± 1.96 mm Hg; with obesity III degree – 19.60 ± 2.06 mm Hg. IAP level preceding PE was significantly higher in pregnant women with obesity than in patients with normal weight (by 18- 32%, p<0.001). The reference values of IAP at 20-24 weeks of pregnancy in patients with obesity were: 13-15 mm Hg (obesity I degree), 14-15 mm Hg (obesity II degree), and 15-17 mm Hg (obesity III degree).

    特征 我(n = 215)
    n / %
    二世(n = 97)
    n / %
    三世(n = 31)
    n / %
    平均年齡(М±σ) 23.0±3.1 28.3±5.7 28.0±3.9 0.946
    Bmi (М±σ) 27.1±2.7 35.1±4.2 32.8±5.7 0.554
    肥胖I級 - 23/23.7 9/29.0 0.634
    肥胖二級 - 16/16.5 5/16.1 1.000
    肥胖3度 - 10/10.3 4/12.9 0.742
    第一次懷孕 215/100 57/58.8 22/70.9 0.660
    第一次分娩 215/100 43/44.3 19/61.3 0.148
    動脈高血壓 - 64/65.9 20/64.5 0.999
    糖尿病 - 2/2.1 1/3.2 0.568
    腎髒疾病 - 10/10.3 3/9.6 1.000
    胎兒胎盤機能不全 - 48/49.5 20/64.5 0.155
    體重異常增加 - 21/21.6 6/19.4 1.000
    Multifetal - 1/1.0 2/6.4 0.145
    Polyhydramnion - 1/1.0 2/6.4 0.145
    胎兒生長遲緩 - 10/10.3 7/22.6 0.124
    胎兒巨大胎兒 - 2/2.1 3/9.6 0.091
    早期的子癇前期 - - 9/29.0
    子癇前期後期 - - 22/70.9
    溫和的子癇前期 - - 25/80.6
    重度子癇前期 - - 6/19.4

    注:p值- II組與III組患者差異的顯著性。

    妊娠期內 懷孕人數 IAP(毫米汞柱)
    6 - 8周 30. 1 (0:3)
    20周 30. 8 [7:10]
    24周 30. 9 [8:11]
    27周 30. 12 [11:13]
    32周 30. 16 [3]
    33周 32 16 (16:16)
    34周 36 16 [16:17]
    35周 36 18 (17:18)
    36周 37 18 [18:19]
    37周 82 18 [18:19]
    38周 84 20日(第19章20節)
    39周 102 20 [20:21]
    40周 29 20 [20:21]

    表2:不同妊娠期的腹內壓平均值(Me [QL;曲)
    注意:Me-median;QL-25百分比;瞿- 75百分位

    對IAP與PE關係的研究表明,54.8%的患者(n=17)的IAP水平升高先於PE的發生。除了IAP水平,達到IAP臨界值的比率也影響並發症。圖1顯示了IAP增加三種變量的Kaplan-Meier曲線(Δ IAP < 2 mmHg /妊娠2周,Δ IAP = 2-4 mmHg /妊娠2周,Δ IAP>4 mmHg /妊娠2周),表示20周後某一妊娠期無並發症妊娠的累計概率。


    與PE相關的無並發症妊娠結局累積概率函數的後續多重成對比較結果顯示,Δ IAP較高的患者無並發症妊娠的概率明顯低於IAP Δ<2 mm Hg的患者。在Δ IAP>4 mm Hg處PE發生的時間顯著縮短——這些患者PE臨床症狀出現的中位時間對應於懷孕34.0周(25% - 33.0周;Δ IAP 2-4 mm Hg -37.0周(25%百分位-36.0;75%百分位-37.0)。評估總體預後潛力,我們通過分析工作特征曲線(ROC曲線)-AUC =0.806,確定ΔIAP不同值的預後指數並確定其閾值。ROC曲線上的點呈水平分布。PE的閾值為IAP增益大於2-4 mmhg / 2周妊娠。該研究證實了IAP與腸通透性之間的直接關係,增加IAP導致腸通透性增加:“乳果糖/甘露醇”比值在妊娠20-24周時為0.028±0.001,當IAP水平為25-75百分位時,當IAP超過95百分位(大於12 mm Hg)時為0.035±0.001 (p <0.05)。IAH的增加伴隨著乳果糖/甘露醇比值的增加:Δ IAP 2-4 mm Hg /妊娠2周對應的比值為0.052±0.003,Δ IAP>4 mm Hg對應的比值為0.084±0.002。中度PE患者的比值為0.09±0.002;在嚴重PE患者中,該比值為0.158±0.02 (p<0.001)。 The relation between “lactulose / mannitol” ratio and severity of PE was strong, correlation coefficient–0.77. The study demonstrated a relationship between the IAP and level of endotoxemia(r = 0.53, p <0.05). Women with IAP level corresponding to 25-75 percentiles showed a concentration of endotoxin of 7.2 ± 0.03 pg / ml, in pregnant women with IAP higher than the 95 percentile–9.4 ± 1 pg / ml (p <0.05). The correlation between the concentration of endotoxin in 20-24 weeks of gestation and the development of PE was below average, r=0.23, p=0.049. Endotoxin concentration was significantly increased with the progression of IAH: Δ IAP 2-4 mm Hg / 2 weeks of gestation corresponded to the concentration of 12.7 ± 2.0; Δ IAP>4 mm Hg corresponded to the concentration of 21.4 ± 3.1, and in patients the manifestation of severe PE–56.3 ± 4.2 (p<0.001). The coefficient of correlation between the ratio “lactulose / mannitol” and the endotoxemia level was 0.82.



    該研究表明,孕婦的IAP隨著妊娠進展而增加,每兩周間隔的速率小於1毫米汞柱,每兩周間隔的速率小於1毫米汞柱。根據所述方法測量IAP未引起任何泌尿係統並發症。在研究IAP與PE的關係時發現,有51.6%的病例的IAP水平升高先於PE的發生。IAP的提升率在體育發展中起著重要的作用,甚至比IAP的絕對值更大。IAP快速大幅增加(4 mm Hg / 2周妊娠)的孕婦發生PE的概率明顯高於IAP在一定時間間隔內增加小於2 mm Hg的孕婦(P<0.001),而IAP升高越高,並發症發生越早。PE的閾值為IAP升高超過2-4 mmhg /妊娠2周。2周間隔內不同IAP升高值的預測指數為0.806。結果表明IAH在複雜妊娠結局的因果關係中占首要地位。本研究結果證實了在IAH孕婦中存在IAP介導的腸通透性增加的發展,其程度取決於IAP的動態,並與發生PE的嚴重程度相關。腸通透性增加與明顯的內毒素血症相關。 The correlation between the concentration of endotoxin in 20-24 weeks of gestation and the development of PE was low –r=0.23, p=0.049. Several reasons may explain this phenomenon: one of variants involves penetration of a primarily hydrophobic form of endotoxin (without polysaccharide part) into the bloodstream and increased activity of antiendotoxin immunity that apparently occurs with a long-term and slowly progressive IAH in background in patients with obesity. The works of many researchers suggest that endotoxemia not only plays an important role in the development of PE, but the activity of antiendotoxic immunity [43-46]. Another reason for the low correlation of the initial concentration of endotoxin and PE is a rapid and significant increase of the concentration of the endotoxin with the progression of IAH, which was mainly observed in pregnant women with initially normal IAP. In its turn, this dependency can be explained by intake of hydrophilic forms of intestinal endotoxin, i.e. whole LPS molecule, with its polysaccharide part with increased intestinal permeability and rapid depletion antiendotoxic immunity on the background.






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