
1990年 moran的。 (獸醫),獸醫學院,大學Firat,土耳其
1996年 博士學位。 (流行病學),獸醫學院,英國布裏斯托爾大學








1996年 土耳其獸醫微生物學社會的成員
2008年 顧問委員會的“羅伊的獸藥、大學學報”
2016年 “獸醫科學雜誌》編輯委員會”


1992 - 1996 布裏斯托爾大學研究科學家,流行病學組
1996 - 2000 微生物學係助理教授,Firat大學獸醫學院
2000 - 2006 微生物學係副教授Firat大學獸醫學院
2006 - 教授,微生物學係Firat大學獸醫學院


  1. 內,B。伊根,K。,Harbour, D.A., Morgan, K.L. (1996). An abattoir-based study of the prevalence of subclinical Johne’s disease in adult cattle in south west England. Epidemiology and Infection, 116:373-379.
  2. 內,B。,Erdogan, H.M., Morgan, K.L. (1997). Relationships between the presence of Johne’s disease and farm and management factors in dairy farms in England. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 32:253-266.
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  4. 內,B。Ongor, H。Muz,。,Ertaş, H.B., Kalender, H., Erdoğan, H.M. (1999). Detection of Brucella species DNA in the stomach content of aborted sheep fetuses by PCR. The Veterinary Record, 144: 239-240.
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  7. 內,B。Ongor, H。,Karahan, M., Kalender, H., Lorenzon, S., Thiaucourt, F. (2003). An abattoir-based survey of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia in cattle in Turkey. The Veterinary Record, 152: 254-258.
  8. Ongor, H。,內,B。、Acık M.N.,Atabay, H.İ. (2004). Investigation of Arcobacters in Meat and Faecal Samples of Clinically Healthy Cattle in Turkey. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 38: 339-344.
  9. Acık, M.N.,內,B。(2005). The heterogeneity of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli strains isolated from healthy cattle. Letters in Applied Microbiology 41: 397-403.
  10. Acık, M.N.,內,B。(2006). Heterogeneity of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli strains from healthy sheep. Veterinary Microbiology 115: 370-375.
  11. 瓊斯,由P.H.,Farver, T.B., Beaman B., Çetinkaya, B., Morgan, K.L. (2006). Crohn’s disease in people exposed to clinical cases of bovine paratuberculosis. Epidemiology and Infection 134: 49-56
  12. Karahan M。,內,B。(2007). Coagulase gene polymorphisms detected by PCR in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from subclinical bovine mastitis in Turkey. The Veterinary Journal 174: 428-431.
  13. Kalin R·B, Karahan M, Atil E, Manso-Silvan L, Thiaucourt f (2009)。檢測山羊的傳染性胸膜肺炎在土耳其東部。啟科學。科技。28日:1037 - 1044。
  14. Karahan M, Kalin R, Atil E·b (2010)。檢測支原體寶在牛乳腺炎在土耳其東部和呼吸問題。獸醫記錄166:827 - 829。
  15. 15 Kalin, R。Ongor, H。,Çetinkaya B. (2012). Isolation and molecular characterization of Escherichia coli O157 from broiler and human samples. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 9: 313-318.
  16. Acık M.N.,Karahan M。,Öngör H., Çetinkaya, B. (2013). Investigation of virulence and cytolethal distending toxin genes in Campylobacter spp. isolated from sheep in Turkey. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 10: 589-594.
  17. Acık M.N.,Karahan M。,Öngör H., Karagulle B., Çetinkaya, B. (2013). The first isolation of Campylobacter lanienae from chickens. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire 164: 368-373.
  18. Ongor H。,Bulut H., Çetinkaya B, Akan M., Tonbak S., Mor S.K., Goyal S.M. (2015). Detection of astrovirus, coronavirus and haemorrhagic enteritis virus in Turkeys with poult enteritis mortality syndrome in Turkey. Journal of Poultry Science 52: 232-237.
  19. 穆罕默德努裏Acık,協議Yuksel, Aykut Ulucan, Burhan內(2016)。第一個實驗研究的致病性Arcobacter butzleri斑馬魚。獸醫微生物學、189:32-38 (2016)。
  20. Huseyin Yilmaz、Eda Altan Utku y Cizmecigil,艾登Gurel, Gulay Yuzbasioglu Ozturk,埃爾多安Ozge Bamac, Ozge艾登,保羅·布裏頓伊莎貝拉Monne Burhan·肯特摩根Bonto Faburay,於爾根·a·Richt G,努裏·圖蘭(2016)。傳染性支氣管炎病毒發展史及S1基因變異檢測肉雞和層在土耳其。禽流感疾病,60:596 - 602 (2016)。
