
Clayton J. Clark II博士是佛羅裏達農工大學可持續發展研究所(FAMU-SI)的副主任,也是FAMU-FSU工程學院土木與環境工程副教授。他的研究專長包括水質、水資源、汙染土壤和水的修複、環境可持續性、水文和危險廢物管理。Clark博士曾在多個國家委員會任職,包括:國家研究委員會在環境監管決策過程中模型的選擇和使用委員會;美國化學學會環境改善委員會;以及ACS項目種子委員會。克拉克博士有幸編輯了兩本書,發表了二十多篇同行評議的出版物,擔任了二十多次技術期刊的審稿人,擔任了技術
曾多次擔任國家科學基金會和環境保護署的小組評審,並為國內外觀眾提供了大量的演講。克拉克博士的研究興趣包括將化學和環境工程技術用於危險廢物處理和處置;石油基產品的研究和處理;從土壤和水係統中去除的廢物的處理;危險氯化廢物的銷毀或轉化;使用鐵和雙金屬基質的脫氯;聲化學廢物處理;水質研究;表麵活性劑/助溶劑原位衝洗研究;場地修複研究; phase mobility of contaminants; in-situ vitrification; treatment of wastes due to coal mining; and overall environmental and water resources sustainability. In his position, Dr. Clark has begun formulating, coordinating all future growth and development of all technical aspects of sustainability at FAMU. This focus includes integrating all concepts of sustainability: environmental protection, economic sustainability, research, teaching/learning and service training; expanding multi-disciplinary collaboration in sustainability-related activities; leading the proposal submission, education and research initiatives originating from FAMU-SI and leveraging sustainability efforts to increase student recruitment, retention, and graduation rates. He has his Professional Engineering Licensure (P.E.) in Florida and has also served as faculty advisor for Engineers without Borders and the National Society for Black Engineers for the College of Engineering.



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