
Robert K. Bright是德克薩斯理工大學健康科學中心免疫學和分子微生物係的副教授和研究生項目顧問。Bright博士於1987年畢業於愛達荷州莫斯科的愛達荷大學,獲得細菌學(重點生物化學)學士學位。在美國陸軍服役一段時間後,他被聘為德克薩斯州聖安東尼奧SW生物醫學研究基金會的研究助理。1989年秋,他在聖安東尼奧德克薩斯大學健康科學中心攻讀研究生課程。1990年秋天,他被召回美國陸軍服役,並在戰區服役至1991年6月,以支持沙漠風暴行動。1991年秋,他回到研究生學習,1994年,他在聖安東尼奧德克薩斯大學健康科學中心微生物學和免疫學係獲得微生物學和免疫學博士學位。完成博士研究後,Bright博士搬到馬裏蘭州貝塞斯達,在那裏他獲得了校內研究培訓獎獎學金,在美國國立衛生研究院(National Institutes of Health)國家癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute)外科分部研究腫瘤免疫學。1996年底,他被招募到密歇根州底特律韋恩州立大學醫學院Karmanos癌症研究所和外科,在那裏他擔任助理教授的職位。兩年後,Bright博士被招募到Earle A. Chiles研究所和俄勒岡州波特蘭市普羅維登斯波特蘭醫療中心的Robert Franz癌症中心,在那裏他擔任前列腺癌生物學主管直到2002年2月。2002年,Bright博士被德克薩斯理工大學健康科學中心(Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center)聘為免疫學和分子微生物學係副教授。Bright博士獲得了多項榮譽和獎項,包括德克薩斯大學健康科學中心Armand J. Guarino博士研究學術卓越獎(頂級研究生),美國國立衛生研究院研究卓越獎(博士後研究員的前10%), a Research Scholars Award from the American Cancer Society and the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Outstanding Teacher and Student Advocate Award, 2006. He was recognized, in 2011, by the DOD Prostate Cancer Research Program as an Innovative Mind in Prostate Cancer Research for his work on cancer vaccines. Dr. Bright has served and currently serves on numerous national grant review committees to include the American Cancer Society, the DOD/ Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program, NASA and the National Institutes of Health. He has also served as Chair for several grant review committees. Dr. Bright also serves as an expert reviewer for several scientific journals including the Journal of Immunology, Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy, the Journal of Immunotherapy, Vaccine, Cancer Research, Clinical Cancer Research. He currently serves as an Associate Editor for the journal ISRN Immunology. His research focuses on tumor immunity with emphasis on the development of vaccines against cancer and has been funded by the National Cancer Institute/NIH, the American Cancer Society and the DOD CDMRP Prostate Cancer Research Program. Dr. Bright has published over 50 manuscripts and several book chapters and reviews on tumor immunology and cancer vaccines.



  • :(806) 743-4592

  • 部門免疫學與分子微生物學係“,
  • 國家美國