
萊文教授於1963年獲得加州大學戴維斯分校微生物學博士學位。他目前是馬薩諸塞大學阿默斯特分校食品科學係食品微生物學教授。他曾任大西洋漁業技術會議主席,美國微生物學會康涅狄格穀分會主席,編輯委員。食品生物化學。, d.d.j .食品安全委員,d.d.j .食品保護委員。美國國家科學基金會生物醫學博士獎學金評審小組的前任成員,美國醫學發展局NRI評審小組的前任成員。他曾擔任康奈爾大學和馬裏蘭大學海洋基金提案、美國農業部SB提案、巴德提案和美國宇航局提案的臨時審稿人。他目前是J. Food Protection, Int的編委會成員。他目前擔任J. Agric的臨時審稿人。食品化學。, J. Food Science, J. Microb. Meth.,Canadian Journal of Microbiology, the International Journal of Food Science and Technology, Enzyme research, and for 15 additional peer reviewed journals. In 2007 he was designated "Outstanding Research Professor" of the College of Natural Resources and the Environment. He has published over 150 research papers including a number of book chapters in the areas of biotechnology, fermentation technology, immunological assays, and methods of molecular detection of food born pathogensand is the sole author of three recently published books. His areas of research interest include: molecular biology of low temp. bacteriophage infections of fish spoilage bacteria, metabolism and taxonomy of fish spoilage bacteria, bacterial production of gums, bacterial rennet production, detection of mutagens and carcinogens in foods, mechanisms of chemical modulation of DNA repair, fish protein hydrolysates, industrial fermentations, toxicology, toxic marine algae, detection of human infectious bacteria in foods by immunological and real-time PCR methodology. During the past four years he has published three sole authored books: The Use of Molecular Methods for Detecting and Discriminating Food Borne Infectious Bacteria. 548 pp.; The Plague: History, Clinical Aspects, Immunology, Molecular Biology, and PCR detection of鼠疫杆菌即致病有機體。227頁;和炭疽:曆史,生物學,全球分布,臨床方麵,免疫學和分子生物學。頁。



  • : 413-545-0187
    傳真沒有。: 413-545-1262
  • 電子郵件:relevin@foodsci.umass.edu

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