張菲(Mark)張是紐約州立大學(SUNY)的計算機科學教授。他指導賓厄姆頓的多媒體研究實驗室。他有學士學位(勞德)在電子工程中,碩士學位來自中國杭州杭州大學的信息科學博士學位和博士學位。馬薩諸塞大學阿默斯特大學的計算機科學博士學位。當他上研究生院時,他還曾在新澤西州普林斯頓市NEC Research Institute,Inc。擔任實習生,並在Applied Aflied Intelligence,Inc。(以前是Amerinex Arderictional Intelloctional Intelloctions,Inc。)擔任技術顧問。, 嘛。他曾是卓越中心的文檔分析和認可中心的研究科學家,並在SUNY BUFFALO的計算機科學與工程係學院任職,然後才加入SUNY BINGHAMTON的計算機科學係學院。他還擔任過許多訪問職位,包括法國裏爾大學1號CNRS International Internation Office教授。在中國,日本Chuo大學的JSPS研究員,美國,Zhejiang University的Carnegie Mellon大學和中國的Nanjing University以及台灣的Sinica的來訪教師。 He is the author of the very first monograph on multimedia data mining, and is an co-author of the very first monograph on relational data clustering, both published by CRC Press. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed academic papers in premier international journals and conferences and several invited papers and book chapters in his areas, has edited or co-edited two books, has held as an inventor for more than ten patents, has served as reviewers or program committee members or area chairs for many international journals and conferences, and has served as grant review panelists for several governmental and private funding agencies including NSF and NASA every year. His research is supported by federal government agencies, noticeably including NSF, AFOSR, and AFRL, as well as industrial research labs such as Microsoft Research and Kodak Research. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, a member of IEEE Computer Society and a member of ACM. He was invited to give keynotes or tutorials at premier international events in his areas. He is or was associate editors and guest editors for several international journals.



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  • 計算機科學係
  • 國家美國