蘇珊·威拉德(Suzanne Willard)
- 部羅格斯護理學院
- 國家美國
威拉德博士從事艾滋病毒領域已有20多年了。作為直接護理提供者,她為在聖克裏斯托弗兒童醫院接受護理的孩子的父母開設了診所服務。在這個角色中,她參加了NIH讚助研究研究,並探索了各種途徑,以確保婦女及其家人獲得健康結果所需的一係列服務。她在坦普爾大學醫院的一項學術OB/GYN實踐中啟動了一項臨床計劃,並在婦女接受OB護理的同時提供了艾滋病毒谘詢服務。該計劃已在費城市複製,並導致艾滋病毒疾病向兒童的圍產期傳播急劇下降。她在德雷克塞爾大學醫學院複製了這些努力,在那裏她還在護理學院學習。在伊麗莎白·格拉瑟(Elizabeth Glaser)小兒艾滋病基金會(Elizabeth Glaser Peatiactric Aids Foundation)是為艾滋病毒孕婦提供服務的最大國際組織,她在撒哈拉以南非洲設計和建立了節目,以確保使用持續質量改進的框架來確保護理質量。作為顧問,她曾與各種艾滋病毒計劃合作,包括賓夕法尼亞州中大西洋艾滋病教育和培訓中心。Most of the consultative work included reviewing systems of care and making recommendations that would insure that HIV positive women receive the services that they needed as well as developing and leading the City of Philadelphia’s efforts to establish a robust quality improvement program for all Ryan White Funded HIV services. In 1994, she initiated and chaired the Perinatal Review Program which utilized data to make recommendations to improve services for pregnant women with HIV in the Philadelphia region. She has provided consultative services and has been to many governmental commissions including the Mayor’s Commission on HIV/AIDS and advisory panels to government officials as well as the Centers for Disease Control. Dr. Willard was the first nurse to be selected to be a panel member of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Panel on Antiretroviral Guidelines for Adult and Adolescents. In this role, she was a key advocate for guidelines that are illustrative of care of women and adherence and inclusive for the variety of care providers, including advance practice nurses, who provide care to individuals living with HIV. These Guidelines are the gold standard for treatment both in the US as well as globally. Her research has looked at adherence, issues of abuse and exercise and their impact on HIV positive women. She has been a site director of the International HIV/AIDS Nursing Research team. As an educator, she designed academic HIV/AIDS courses for graduate and undergraduate students, and she has presented nationally and internationally. She is a mentor to many individuals nationally and internationally to insure that individuals living with HIV get services that are of the highest quality. She has published book chapters and in peer-reviewed journals and has served on the editorial board of the Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. As an advocate for nurses globally, she is President-elect of the Nurses in AIDS Care. In this role, she will continue to focus on insuring that nurses, who are the primary care providers internationally, have the resources and knowledge in the fight to eradicate AIDS. She has received many honors for her work and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.