我的研究集中在信號轉導途徑,分子生物學,分子免疫學和翻譯臨床研究上。雖然我是中國耳鼻喉科學會的診所,但我研究了小鼠模型中自身免疫性內耳疾病的粘附分子表達。這種經曆強烈啟發了我對科學研究的興趣。在我的博士學位研究中,我研究了PI3K-AKT途徑調節RNA聚合酶I和III基因轉錄的機製。通過這項研究,我們確定了一種新的RNA聚合酶I和III基因轉錄調節的機製。此外,我還研究了腫瘤抑製基因PTEN在RNA聚合酶I和III基因轉錄調節中的作用。我們證明,通過抑製RNA聚合酶I和III基因轉錄,PTEN抑製了腫瘤的發育。博士學位研究完成後,在進入醫學居住計劃之前,我還接受了博士後培訓。在博士後訓練中,我研究了NF-γB信號傳導在酒精誘導的慢性胰腺炎發展中的作用。雖然我是一名醫學居民,但我還完成了研究項目,研究了小腸上皮細胞中PI3K-AKT途徑調節Na+/ H+交換器3的機製。 During my gastroenterology fellowship, I also conducted research to identify the molecular mechanism by which Saccharomyces boulardii represses the EGFR activation in the small intestinal epithelial cells. While I have demonstrated a strong foundation of knowledge and rich experience of research in the field of molecular biology in the past, I also have experience of translation research in order to build the “bridge” from “bench” to “bedside”. During my gastroenterology fellowship training, I did research on mesalamine in celiac disease patients. In this research project, I studied the changes of cytokines profile in the small intestinal biopsy specimens from refractory celiac disease patients upon the treatment of mesalamine. After I joined the staff in the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, & Nutrition at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, I have lead multiple clinical research projects, including the study to investigate prevalence and outcomes of human cytomegalovirus disease in inflammatory bowel disease patients and national population study to investigate impact of timing of endoscopy on healthcare outcomes of patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

目前,我也是多個研究項目中的共同評估者,包括研究血清Ig A水平和炎症性腸病的嚴重程度的相關性以及腸上皮細胞的Ig A轉運蛋白在炎症性腸腸進展中的作用疾病,以及一項研究,以確定靜脈輸鐵羧蛋白酶的功效來治療鐵缺乏症貧血繼發性炎症性腸病以及靜脈輸鐵羧甲糖對炎性腸病患者血清細胞因子譜的影響。同時,我還參加了第三階段多中心診所試驗,作為研究vedolizumab的共同評估者,以治療炎症性腸病的原發性硬化性膽管炎患者。我還是一項研究中的首席研究員,旨在檢查利福昔明誘導中等活性克羅恩病的療效和安全性。



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