
Shaefer博士獲得了美國口腔麵部疼痛學會、美國普通牙科聯邦服務委員會和美國普通牙科學會的委員會認證。在哈佛大學牙科醫學院(HSDM),他負責對牙科博士預科學生進行疼痛和焦慮管理的培訓。這包括教授口腔麵部疼痛的診斷和處理,麻醉的管理,疼痛控製的藥理學,和有意識的鎮靜訓練。這些科目不是一次性教授的,而是在牙科學生4年的教育中逐步呈現的。謝弗博士開發了課程駱駝、教程、講座、練習和實踐考試,以解決這些學科的教育目標。他的口腔麵部疼痛項目的臨床指導在博士預科和博士後水平上改善了麵部疼痛的診斷。他給哈佛大學牙科專業二年級學生開設的口麵疼痛課程,讓這些學生第一次有機會將醫學院的知識應用到牙科病人的診斷中。它為博士預科口腔麵部疼痛訓練製定了全國標準。他開創了麻醉和鎮靜的博士預科培訓;我們的學生現在第一次獲得了氧化亞氮鎮靜的認證。 His innovations in this training include the clinical teaching of advanced anesthetic block techniques for the 2nd and 3rd division of the trigeminal nerve to incoming third year dental students. Teaching of medical emergency management also has been expanded to include the use of the emergency simulator at the medical school to better prepare the third year students for their clinical experiences. He established clinical programs in the non-surgical management of orofacial pain and TMD patients at Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital Oral Surgery Department and Brigham Women’s Hospital Pain Clinic (Anesthesia Department). His thriving orofacial pain practice within the OMFS clinic at Massachusetts General Hospital adds pain management expertise to the oral surgery practice and upgrades the quality of care for patients. His clinical practice greatly improves training opportunities for our post-doctoral student completing residency training in oral surgery, oral medicine, and orofacial pain and the pre-doctoral dental students as they complete their OMFS clinical rotations. He is responsible for teaching clinical pharmacology at the post graduate level at HSDM to the majority of the post graduate dental students.

Jeffry r . Shaefer


  • : 617-432-3153

    • 部門口腔頜麵外科
    • 國家美國