- 部門兒科牙科科“,
北卡羅萊納大學亞當斯牙科學院 - 國家美國
Roberts博士是北卡羅萊納大學牙科學院兒科係的Henson傑出教授和副主席。此前,他擔任了五年的研究生項目主任(兒科牙科),並擔任了十年的兒科牙科係主任。Roberts博士獲得了德克薩斯大學牙科分部(休斯頓,德克薩斯州)的DDS學位,並在馬薩諸塞州波士頓的美國公共衛生服務(USPHS)醫院完成了醫院輪崗牙科實習。他從波士頓大學研究生牙科學院獲得兒童牙科醫學碩士學位。羅伯茨博士於1989年從USPHS退休,擔任牙科主任(上尉- usn)。他在USPHS服務的最後8年是作為首席,病人護理科和副臨床主任,NIDR, NIH。他獲得了許多獎章,包括表彰獎章、功勳獎章和公共衛生部長模範服務獎章。他是美國兒科牙科委員會(ABPD)的文憑。羅伯茨博士於1989年加入北卡羅萊納大學牙科學院兒科牙科係。羅伯茨博士撰寫了100多篇同行評審的期刊論文,並為四本兒科牙科教科書做出了貢獻。 His primary research interests are in dental care for the medically compromised pediatric patient, eating disorders and application of lasers in dentistry. His honors include being elected as a Director of the ABPD, serving as President of the College of Diplomates of the ABPD, and President of the Foundation of Diplomates of the ABPD. He was the recipient of The John C. Brauer Award by the Dental Alumni Association of the UNC School of Dentistry and the Distinguished Alumni Award from the Boston University School of Dentistry