
alpdodogan k南極洲博士擁有文學博士學位和博士學位。他也是牙周病學認證專家(C.A.G.S.)和美國牙周病學會文憑。他是美國馬薩諸塞州劍橋市Forsyth研究所的副成員,並擔任波士頓大學亨利高曼牙科醫學院的副教授。1991年從伊斯坦布爾大學畢業後,他開始了牙醫生涯。他在伊斯坦布爾大學牙周病學係完成了臨床和博士學位。他於1999年移居美國,在波士頓大學做博士後。在2002年完成博士後學習後,他開始在波士頓大學進行牙周病臨床訓練。畢業後,他於2004年被任命為亨利高德曼醫學院的助理教授。2009年升任副教授。2010年,他加入了哈佛大學福賽斯學院(Forsyth Institute/Harvard University),繼續在波士頓大學擔任教職。 During his academic career, Dr. Kantarci has been actively involved in training, education and patient care. He has mentored more than 30 PhD, doctorate, and Master’s theses; directed and taught in several graduate and postgraduate clinical and didactic dentistry courses. He serves in the editorial board and as a reviewer of more than 20 dental and medical scientific journals. His research interests include Molecular Mechanisms and Resolution Pathways of Oral Inflammation in Periodontitis, Experimental Models; Signal Transduction in Neutrophils and Monocytes in Inflammatory Diseases, Clinical Applications of High-Throughput Analysis in Dental Research (e.g. xMAP Multiplexing), and Biology of Surgery-Assisted Tooth Movement. He is the recipient of 15 federal, international and industry-supported research grants and holds several patents. He has published more than 90 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, wrote book chapters, and has presented more than 200 oral talks and posters in dental and medical congresses.

易卜拉欣Alpdogan Kantarci


: 617 892 8530
傳真:617 892 8411

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