
Johannah Uriri Glover博士,MSCR,注冊護士,亞利桑那州立大學護理與健康創新學院(ASUCONHI)的臨床教授。她目前在DNP和BSN項目中教授循證實踐護理。最後,擔任DNP學生的統計顧問。ASUCONHI教授的其他研究生課程包括老年人健康管理、生物統計學和健康政策。她也是導師,新教員,博士,DNP和BSN榮譽學生。Glover博士於2002年在俄勒岡健康與科學護理學院獲得博士學位;輔修方法論和老年護理研究。1992年,她獲得阿肯色大學醫學研究生院護理科學碩士學位,專攻老年護理學,輔修護理管理。1987年,她還獲得了阿肯色大學護理醫學科學學院的BSN和護士執業證書。他還於2005年完成了南卡羅萊納醫科大學醫學院心理健康和老齡化係的博士後研究,重點是癡呆症研究。beplay最新下载 During this time she received a Master’s of Science in Clinical Research from the Medical University of South Carolina Department of Biometry and Epidemiology, with an emphasis in biostatistics, randomized clinical trials, genetics research and public health research. Dr. Glover is the chairperson on the Center for African American Health Arizona. She currently is on the Arizona Governor’s Aging Advisory board and serves as a committee member on the Alzheimer’s disease Committee. Dr. Glover was selected by the governor’s advisory board on aging to serve on the Alzheimer’s Disease Task Force and is currently working on recommendations to legislator s in the area of education and regulation of professionals and nonprofessionals caring for individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and other related dementia in Arizona. Dr. Glover currently serves on the ASUCONHI PhD leadership committee, and chairperson of the college’s Academic Assembly. Research studies include the following: Family Caregiver’ s Perception of Assisting an Cognitive Impaired Family Member during Bathing: Instrument Development; An Exploration of Perceived Racial/Ethnic Discrimination in Cancer Care Delivery; A Warm Lavender Oil Towel Bath to Promote Sleep in Persons with Dementia Experiencing Sleep Disturbance; and the Perceptions of Family Cares on Bathing Persons with Dementia研究興趣包括開發幹預措施,可以幫助護理人員更好地管理被診斷患有阿爾茨海默病和相關癡呆症的個人。
她是美國和亞利桑那州老年護理協會、西格瑪Theta Tau、黑人護士協會、全國西班牙裔護士協會、全國老年護士協會的成員。最近的出版物包括:

urri - glover, J. McCarthy, M. Cesarotti, E.(2012)。阿爾茨海默病:證據表明什麼。護理管理,執業醫師,43歲(11)。26-31。

urri - glover, J. McCarthy, M. Cesarotti, E.(2012)。解決阿爾茨海默病的難題。執業護士,37歲,(9) 5-56,

王曉燕,王曉燕,*王曉燕。(2012)。彌合差距:仔細觀察藥物和解期刊老年護理學專業, 33(5), 401-409。

艾倫,A,浣熊,D,Uriri-Glover J。住院康複機構中老年人的睡眠障礙。康複雜誌護理
Campesino M., Ruiz, E .格洛弗,J., Koithan, M(2011)。手術治療差異
非裔美國人和拉丁裔乳腺癌幸存者。腫瘤護理論壇3.(4) E324-E31。



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